
PM&LD D-14
Executive One-Year MBA (Part-time) 2014-15

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar EXPGDM: Term IV
Course outline: PM – L&D 1

Faculty NameProf. D.P.Kar & Prof.Saveeta Mohanty
Academic Year and TermTERM IV
1. Course Description

The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) is one that is being increasingly recognized and accepted as one of the most vital contributors to total organizational growth and effectiveness. Organizations acknowledge that their employees are a primary source of competitive advantage.

Managing their performance and developing it so that organizational goals are met becomes one of the key focus areas for any organization. Moreover, these are processes for which a line manager is as much accountable as the HR manager. It is the line manager who has to deliver results by managing the performance of his/her team or workgroup and by ensuring that there is continual development of the individual. Thus, Performance Management and Learning and Development are two important areas of HRM that contribute directly towards the healthy growth of the individual in the organization. Consequently, a good understanding of this area would enable a manager to help in developing and maintaining the dynamism and vitality of the organization.

2. Student Learning Outcomes
To enable students
· To understand the role of Performance Management and Learning & Development in the Human Resource Management process.
· To understand the different components of Performance management processes
· To understand what is needed for designing and conducting training programs;
· To be able to conduct a training needs analysis including job analysis, person analysis, and organization analysis;
· To be aware of a variety of training and development methods, and be able to select and use appropriate methods to design an effective learning experience.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
· Aguinis, Herman, (2009), Performance Management, (2e). Pearson Publications.
· Blanchard, P. N., Thacker, J. W. & Ram, V. Anand. (2009). Effective training: Systems, strategies and practices, (4thed.). by, Pearson Education Inc.
· Additionally articles from research/ professional journals and chapters from different books will be circulated in soft or hard copy form.

4. Tentative Session Plan

1. Introduction to Performance Management (PM) and Learning & Development (L&D)· Aguinis, Ch. 1 & 2
· Case discussion
2. Organization Culture and its impact on PM· Teacher’s notes
· Case discussion
3. Performance Planning· Aguinis, Ch. 3
4. Balanced Scorecard · Pandey, I.M.: Balanced Scorecard- Myth and Reality
5. Techniques of Appraisal· Aguinis, Chs. 4, 5 & 6
· Sample formats
6. 360 degree feedback and assessment· Aguinis, Ch. 6 & 8
7. Issues of Accuracy and Bias in Performance Management · Longencker, Sims &Gioia: Behind the mask: The politics of employee appraisal
8. Performance Review and Feedback · Aguinis, Ch. 8 & 9
· Case discussion
9. Designing & Implementing Performance Management Systems· Aguinis, Ch. 7
· Case: to be distributed
10. Performance Appraisal Systems in Indian Organisations· Different Organizational Systems
11. Organizational Perspectives in Learning· Blanchard, Thacker & Ram, Ch. 1 & 2
12. Individual Perspectives in Learning
Learning Theories & Learning Styles
· Kenney, J. & Reid, M. (1986). Learning and training. In Training interventions, London: IPM.
13. Identifying Learning Needs· Blanchard, Thacker & Ram, Ch. 4
14. Traditional Training Methodology· Blanchard, Thacker & Ram, Ch. 6 & 7
15. Experiential Learning· Blanchard, Thacker & Ram, Ch. 6 & 7
16. Computer/Web-based Training;
Innovative training methods
· Blanchard, Thacker & Ram, Ch. 6 & 7
17. Successful Design & Administration of training programs· Blanchard, Thacker & Ram, Ch. 5 & 8
18. Transfer of Learning to the Workplace· Wills, Mike. Learning transfer. In Managing the training process. London: McGraw Hill.
19. Evaluating Effectiveness of L&D· Blanchard, Thacker & Ram, Ch. 9
20. Organizational practice of L&D· Teacher’s notes

5. Evaluation:
· End Term exam 35%
· Quizzes (two) 30% (2 X 15%)
· Class Participation 05%
· Assignments 15%
· Project work 15%
· Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
· Assignments will include both in-class and out of class work.
· A note on the assignments and project work will be put up on AIS once the course commences.

6. Academic Integrity:
· Please note that students involved in academic dishonesty will receive a ZERO grade on the particular component in which the infraction occurred.
· Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means. In an academic setting this may take any number of forms such as copying or use of unauthorized aids in tests, assignments, examinations, term papers, or cases; plagiarism; talking during in-class examinations; submission of work that is not your own without citation; submission of work generated for another course without prior clearance by the instructor of both courses; submission of work generated by another person; aiding and abetting another student’s dishonesty; and giving false information for the purpose of gaining credits.
Created By: Alora Kar on 11/12/2014 at 11:47 AM
Category: EDIP14-T-III Doctype: Document
