
Executive One-Year Diploma (Part-time) 2014-15

Course Name: Financial Reporting & Management
Credits 2
Faculty Name S. K. Padhi
Program 1 year Diploma(PT)
Academic Year and Term 2014-15, Term-I

1. Course Description

The objective of this course is to enable the students to understand the language of business called accounting. Reported financial statements consist of three components: Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement. Through this course, the students will be able to understand how these statements are being prepared, their significance in the context of different business decisions, analysis of each such decision and future business planning.

2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)

· Be able to get into a position to read into the reported financial statements of a company

· Be able to capture business transactions and classify them into income, expenditure, sources & assets · Be able to understand the link between a managerial decision and corresponding financial implication 3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

1. Financial Accounting – A Managerial Perspective by R. Narayanaswamy
2. Financial Statement Analysis by Charles H. Gibson
3. Financial Accounting for Business Managers by Asish K. Bhattacharya
4. Financial Accounting for Management by Ambrish Gupta
5. Financial Accounting –Reporting and Analysis by Stice and Stice
6. Class Notes

4. Tentative Session Plan
Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading / case list etc.
1Discussion on the course outline.
Information asymmetry and users of financial reports
Understanding the business operations, Conceptual Framework.
R.Narayanaswamy: Page no.- 4 to 6 & Class note
2What is Accounting and its significance in business environment, Accounting measurement assumptions, Forms of Business OrganizationR.Narayanaswamy: Page no.- 7 to 17
GAAP, Institutions that influence Indian GAAP, Converging IGAAP with IFRS, Accounting Equation: Tool to understand business decisions.R.Narayanaswamy: Page no.- 20 to 36
Statement of Profit and Loss: Revenue from operations, expenses, exceptional & extraordinary items. Class note, exercise under revised schedule –VI
Statement of profit & Loss: Tax expenses(current & deferred tax), Discontinuing operation, EPS(basic & diluted)Company’s financial statement
6Balance Sheet – Equity & Liabilities & AssetsCompany’s financial statement
7Owners capital, borrowed capital & short term liabilitiesClass note, exercise
8Long term assets, Current investments & current assetsClass note, exercise and selected exercise from published financial reports
    9 & 10
Effect of Business Transactions on the financial statements, Measuring Business Income and Preparation of financial statementsAnalysis of company’s financial statement

5. Evaluation
1. Quizzes : 40%
2. Group Work : 20%
3. End-term : 40%
Total : 100%

6. Academic Integrity

As per Institute’s norms

Created By: Alora Kar on 07/16/2014 at 03:11 PM
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