Session 5 Effective Presentation Skills Points to remember: *with regard to the subject *with regard to the audience * with regard to yourself Managing your Audience Handling the Aids Making Presentations keeping in view A, B & C Session 6-8 Individual Presentations for Evaluation (all participants) Group topic Presentation for Evaluation (all groups) Session 9-10 Basics of Effective Writing 5. Evaluation Group Quiz (1): 20% Individual Presentation: 20% Group Project Presentation: 20% End Term: 40% 6. Academic Integrity and Code of Conduct: Any unfair means in examinations will invite heavy penalty. It may also invite an ‘F’ in the component/course. Late comers to the class will not be given attendance. They may also be refrained from attending the class. Each absence from the class will make the student lose ONE grade point. IMPORTANT: PARTICIPANTS WILL BE EXPECTED TO READ ALL THE HANDOUTS GIVEN IN CLASS FROM TIME TO TIME AND, THE TOPICS COVERED IN CLASS FROM THE BOOK GIVEN TO THEM AS PART OF THE READING MATERIAL. THE PARTICIPANTS WILL MAKE GROUP PRESENTATIONS ON VARIOUS TOPICS RELATED TO COMMUNICATION AS IT TAKES PLACE IN ORGANIZATIONS. THIS WILL ENCOURAGE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS & REAL-LIFE EXPERIENCES.
Created By: Alora Kar on 07/16/2014 at 03:03 PM Category: EDIP-14 Doctype: Document