Instructor - Prof. B.B.Mohanty
Programme - One Year Executive MBA
Term - IV ,
Academic Year - 2014-15
Industrial relations is a multidisciplinary field that studies the interaction of employees, employers and the Government in the workplace relationship. The social and economic outcome of this tripartite relationship is of great importance in the context of the need of industrial peace and harmony for the growth and development of the country. The course presents the conceptual basis of industrial relations and the dynamics of workplace relationship along with the means of management of such relationship.
The course objective is to provide a broader outlook of industrial relation function and a framework for analysis of industrial relation problems.
Succeeding in this course, : the students will gain the insight into the prevailing nature of industrial relations in India more commonly known as employment relationship.
The course will enable the students: –
1. To differentiate the various philosophies, principles and structure of industrial relations. This would also provide a broad overview of several related factors that should be considered for an understanding of the industrial relations situation at the enterprise level.
2. To identify the relevant contemporary issues and problems at workplace and the method of managing such problems.
3. To focus on managerial perspective – a perspective that is essential to understand the industrial relations issues, and generate alternatives for decision making to achieve a harmonious and productive work environment.
4. To get an insight into the changing scenario of employment relationship after the liberalization of economy.
The teaching method is combination of lectures , discussion, case studies and analysis and simulation. Relevant chapters from text book, articles from professional journals and from various research articles are assigned as required readings for the course specified in the session plan. The hard copy of articles and cases will be provided to the students.
Text Book –“ Dynamics of Industrial Relations” by Mamoria, Mamoria & Ganker,
Himalaya Publishing House, India.
Reference Book – “Industrial Relations” authored by C.S.Venkataratnam,
Published by Oxford University Press, India.
· Harvard Business Review · Personnel Today · Human Resource Management · Personnel Management · The ICFAI Journal of Employment Law SESSION PLAN
1. QUIZ 20% (Average score of three quizzes)
2. MID TERM 15%
3. END TERM 30%
Assignment – a .This includes presentation for 20 minutes followed by Q&A.
b. Hard copies of the assignment should be submitted on the date specified by the instructor.
Students engaged in academic dishonesty will receive ZERO grade in the component in which such is observed. Academic dishonesty can be of various forms. For this course by academic dishonesty means – talking during in-class, examinations, during submission of projects or assignments, submission of work that is not your own, submission of assignment or project prepared or used for another course. Please do refrain from all these activities.
1. Course Description
Understanding “Employment Relations” (ER) in the dynamics of individual-organizational and institutional relationships is important for executives to regulate the employment relationship. ER as a discipline deals with understanding the nature of employment contract, the rights and obligations of employer and employee, the laws and regulations and provides insights into understanding the employment relationship in a liberalizing, deregulated, and global environment.
2. Student Learning Outcomes
· Be able to approach issues related to employment contract in a multi-dimensional way using economic, legal, relational, functional, social and ethical perspectives · Be able to approach transactions in employment relations in a multi-dimensional way by using the principles of observation, verification, enforcement and compensation for breach etc., and provide solutions from both regulation and governance perspectives · Be able to compare the approaches used in regulating the issues related to Intellectual Property Rights and Restrictive Covenants in India and other Countries such as US, Europe and China by highlighting the advantages and limitations of the approaches in the context of globalization
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
The “Employment Relations” Reading Material provided by the instructor.
4. Tentative Session Plan
5. Evaluation
1. ER Activity and Course Involvement (10 Marks)
The measures of course involvement would be based on quality of preparation and performance in class exercises such asstorytelling exercises, role plays, debates, punctuality, class attendance and any other initiative to enrich the course design, content, process and outcome.
2. Quiz (30 Marks)
There will be two online quizzes conducted during the term. It will have multiple choice / true or false, objective type questions which are drawn from the readings, instructor’s presentation, and any other relevant material provided through email and course web.
2. ER Assignment (10 Marks)
The purpose of ER Assignment is to promote “Collective Learning” and a team of two to three members, depending on the nature of assignment, will be formed for this purpose. The guidelines for ER Assignment will be given through email / course web.
3. End-Term Examination (20 Marks)
The End-Term will be a closed book exam evaluating the understanding of concepts and theories learned in the ER course.
6. Academic Integrity