
OB EM-14

Executive One-Year MBA (Full-time) 2014-15


Credits 2
Faculty Name Prof. FM Sahoo
Program Executive One-Year MBA (FT)
Academic Year and Term 2014-15; Term I

1. Course Description
The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with basic concepts of organizational behaviour. A comprehensive understanding of organizational behaviour requires analysis at three levels: individual, group and organization. Accordingly participants are expected to understand the role of individual factors such as perception, attitude, learning, motivation and stress management. Similarly group factors of communication, decision making, conflict and leadership and followership is considered. In addition, organizational factors such as organizational change and development is also included. These parameters provide a comprehensive understanding of organizational effectiveness.

2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)

· Be able to ….. understand the role of individual, group and organizational variables in the context of organizational effectiveness
· Be able to …. Objectively observe and measure some of the key variables
· Be able to …. Make suitable interventions for enhancing organizational effectiveness 3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

(Nelson, Quick &Khandelwal)
2013 Cengage Learning

Axillary Reading Materials (ARM)
To be provided by the Course Instructor

4. Tentative Session Plan

Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
Session 1:
Session 2&3:
    Session 4&5:
    Session 6:
    Session 7:
    Session 8:
    Session 9:
    Session 10:
    Individual Factors
    (Attitude, Personality & Perception)
    Learning & Motivation
    Stress Management
    Group Structure & Processes
    Group Decision Making & Conflict
    Leadership & Followership
    Group Presentation

    TEXT & ARM

    5. Evaluation
    End Term 30%

    6. Academic Integrity

    Expected norms:
    · Regularity in class attendance and participation
    · Timely completion of assignment
    · Maintenance of classroom ambience

    Created By: Alora Kar on 07/16/2014 at 03:38 PM
    Category: EMBA-14 Doctype: Document
