While the basic tenets of consumer marketing are equally applicable to B2B, there are some unique characteristics in Business Markets that demand special attention: Forces that affect Business Demand, Composition of Business Markets, Nature of Business Buyers, Buying Decision Making Process, Pricing Strategies, Role of Promotion, Advertising and Branding. The marketplace is also undergoing constant change – markets are commoditizing, customer firms are consolidating, companies are becoming global, and technology is transforming the business environment.
This course explores the challenges in the marketplace by delving into unique problems confronting Business-to-Business Markets today across a broad spectrum of organizations ranging from the traditional industries to high-tech enterprises. It has been specially customized to meet the specific requirements of practicing managers by raising intriguing questions, debating options and possible alternatives based on the challenges faced on a daily basis.
2. Student Learning Outcomes
· Be able to appreciate the difference between B2B and B2C and unique characteristics of Business Markets · Be able to understand and assimilate the nature of business buyers and the decision making process · Be able to appreciate the bases of segmentation in B2B Markets. · Be able to understand and apply the concepts of key account management, e-commerce and branding in the context of B2B.
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
Basic Reading:
· B2B Marketing – A South Asian Perspective (11th Edition), Michael D. Hutt, Thomas W. Speh & Dheeraj Sharma; Cengage · Course Handbook with a collection of papers from journals Reference Books:
1. Business Market Management, Anderson and Narus, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall 2. Business-to-Business Marketing, Brennan, Canning, McDowell, 2nd Ed, Sage 3. Industrial Marketing, Krishna K. Havaldar, McGraw-Hill Publication
4. Tentative Session Plan
Classroom lecture, Case discussion, Review of Research Papers, Experience Sharing, Classroom Presentations and Class Participation
Session Details (Each session is of 120 minutes):
5. Evaluation
· Quiz: 30%
Each quiz will be of 15 Marks.
6. Academic Integrity (don’t know what to add here)
Created By: Alora Kar on 01/28/2015 at 05:15 PM Category: EDIP14-T-III Doctype: Document