
SM EM-14
Executive One-Year MBA (Full-time) 2014-15


Faculty Name: Dr.Tushar Kanta Pany
Contact No. 9437412406
Programme- One Year Executive MBA Programme (2014-15)Term-III

Course Description

The service sector continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the growth map of the economies of both developing and developed countries the world over. In India it accounts for nearly two-third of the economy by income and jobs.
Deregulation of services, growing competition, fluctuations in demand, and the application of new technologies are presenting a considerable challenge to service sectors.
The inability to inventory, difficulty in synchronizing demand and supply, and challenges in controlling the performance quality of human interactions – needs to be articulated and tackled by managers.
The course focuses on these unique challenges of managing services and delivering quality service to customers. In this course students will learn critical skills and gain knowledge needed to implement quality service and service strategies for competitive advantage across industries.
The prime intention behind this course is that students learn best and retain the most through active participation in the learning process. Classroom sessions will consist of lecturers, discussions on management cases, presentations on various classroom assignments etc

Students Learning Outcomes
- Be able to understand the unique challenges of service marketing, and developing/delivering quality service;
- Be able to develop service quality knowledge and skill and be prepared to apply them in an actual business context;
- Be able to understand the complexities of service design, delivery and communication;
- Be able to develop skills required for the marketing of services.

Required Text Books
1. Service Marketing: by Valarie A.Zeithamal and Mary Jo Bitner, McGraw-Hill companies, INC.
Created By: Alora Kar on 10/17/2014 at 02:18 PM
Category: EMBA-14T-III Doctype: Document
