
MR EM-14
Executive One-Year MBA (Full-time) 2014-15

Marketing Research
Credits 2
Faculty Name Rajaram Senapaty
Program Marketing Research EMBA
Academic Year and Term 2014-15 TERM V

1. Course Description 2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)

· Be able to convert business problems into marketing issues and frame appropriate research questions
· Be able tpo attain ability to appreciate MR process and the sequence of activities it involves.
· Be abke to evaluate strengths and shortcomings in various research designs and arrive at an optimal one
· Be able to gain knowledge on information sources relevant to business
· Become aware of biases and limitations of MR related data and conduct basic analysis accordingly
· Be able to understand how MR process is integrated to actual decision making and strategy creation in organistions.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

Recommended textbook and texts:

Marketing Research: Tools and Techniques 2nd Edition Nigel Bradley

4. Tentative Session Plan

Sess. NoTopics/ContentReading/case list etc.
1Intro to course; role of MR in marketing; market research industry in India. Video – future of MR.Managers vs. Researchers
Good vs. bad Research
2Thinking like a researcher; market research processDefining the problem
3IT and Research Process; Video – how to do analysis on Google, Twitter and Face book Listen to the customer
Pros and cons of social media
4Research Design; market intelligence and database research
Video – gathering Market research data
Mining customer dissatisfaction data
5Surveys and interviews, survey collection methods and biases Acquiescence Bias
Refusal Rates
Improving Online Research
6Use of MR in product development and product lifecycle management Will be shared later
7Use of MR in Customer acquisition, customer retention and customer lifecycle managementWill be shared later
8Use of MR in brand management and overall health of the brandWill be shared later
9Qualitative Research
Video leveraging the non conscious to drive growth
Video – how to prepare a focus group
Qualitative research
Focus groups
Focus groups validity
10Observational studies and methods
Visual sociology
Book excerpt – visual sociology
11Use of MR in advertising creation, and development Actual real life case will be presented in class and discussed
12Introduction to consumer insights? And its role in decision-makingActual real life case will be presented in class and discussed
13 Integrating MR into strategy creating processActual real life case will be presented in class and discussed

5. Evaluation

· Pre-class preparation and class participation including attendance 10%
· surprise quizzes – 30%
· One individual submission 20%
· One final examination – 40%


Pre class preparation and Class Participation

Pre class preparation is imperative to the success of this course. It shall be assumed that all students have read the assigned readings and completed the home assignments before coming to class.

The class participation component of the grade will be based on each student’s willingness to provide constructive oral comments. A separate twitter handle will be opened for the class so that we can share our thoughts easily and real time.

Surprise quizzes

At my discretion, two or three surprise quizzes will be conducted during the tenure of the course. These will be objective type questions and results will be available in 72 hrs. No separate preparation is necessary. You have to read the assignments, attend the classes and listen carefully. In case you miss the quiz, no rescheduling of quizzes will be possible under any circumstances.

6. Academic Integrity

Make Up Exams:

You must notify me in advance if you will miss an exam. I typically do not give make-up exams, but will make other arrangements with you on a case-by-case basis. Since you cannot ‘miss’ the quizzes in advance, no rescheduling will be done.

Grading Appeals:

If you feel I have made a grading mistake, I will review the exam/assignment. A new grade, either higher or lower than the original grade, might result.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. This includes cheating, plagiarism, and other falsification. Academic misconduct can result in a failing grade, expulsion from the course, and disciplinary probation. Examples of cheating are: copying from other students, copying from notes (tests are closed book, closed note), reviewing notes while “using the restroom” during exams, making up or fabricating data for your project, plagiarism (e.g., copying from someone else’s project that might be similar to your own), etc. Other academic rules as formulated will hold in cases where it has not been clarified.

Created By: Alora Kar on 04/11/2015 at 09:32 AM
Category: EMBA-14 T-V Doctype: Document
