
FMI D-14
Executive One-Year MBA (Part-time) 2014-15

COURSE: Financial Markets & Investments

Credits 4.0
Faculty Name Prof.Asit Mohanty / Prof Shridhar K.Dash
ProgramEX- MBA-Part time
Academic Year and Term 2014-15 batch
Term -3

1. Introduction

Welcome to the course. This course consists of two modules:

Module I : Financial Markets
Module II : Investments

The first module on Financial Markets will provide a foundation for the understanding of Financial Structure of the economy. Specific content includes introduction to the financial intermediation process and the inter relationship between financial intermediation and financial markets, regulatory and policy framework within which intermediaries, markets and participants operate, an understanding of the mechanisms of various financial markets and details of the various securities and financial instruments that trade in these financial markets.

The principal goal of the Investment Module is to provide students with a good understanding of the theory, concepts and models underlying investment analysis and management.. Specific content includes introduction to Investment environment, concepts of risk and return in isolation and in a portfolio context, portfolio mathematics including diversification and optimal portfolio formation, asset pricing models and efficient market hypothesis, brief overview of behavioral finance, valuation and management of fixed income securities and portfolios, basics of derivative securities and how they can be used in hedging risks, and evaluation of portfolio performances.

2. Student Learning Outcomes :
Created By: Alora Kar on 11/12/2014 at 11:48 AM
Category: EDIP14-T-III Doctype: Document
