Sales and Distribution is the most vital subject in Marketing Management. The ways company do business has undergone several changes over past few years, particularly with the concepts of globalization and digital marketing. The very existence of the company is dependent on the sales of its products and services. With business going beyond the national boundaries the distribution aspect of the marketing is not only becoming critical for the company, but also becoming highly complex to implement. Hence the exposure to the concepts of sales and distribution is highly essential for students of marketing.
2. Student Learning Outcomes
The student is given following statements:
1. “I have a thorough understanding of various processes of selling, sales organization and system and processes therein.” 2. “I can comprehend different distribution systems, principles of logistics and their applicability.” 3. “If I join a sales/marketing job, I will require no further inputs other than formal company indoctrination programs.” 4. “I can deliver results under intense pressure and tight deadlines”
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
Text Book
1. Spiro R.L, Stanton W.J, Rich G.A, Management of Sales Force 2. Lancaster G., Jobber D, Selling and Sales Management 3. Das Gupta V., Sales Management, In the Indian Perspective 4. Reilly T., Value Added Selling 5. Supply Chain Management: Strategy & Analysis, Chopra, S. & Meindl
4. Tentative Session Plan
-Objectives, Sales Control
Reading Materials
Recruitment and Selection
Reading Material
1. Quizzes (Two): 20% (10 x 2) 2. Case Presentation and Analysis: 20% 3. Classroom Participation: 15% 4. Attendance: 05% 5. End-term examination: 40% 6. Academic Integrity
Students are encouraged to participate and ask questions in the class. Utmost care is taken as to maintain class decorum, follow the exact evaluation norms, conduct fair examinations, fair and transparent evaluation of examination papers, etc. so as to maintain the highest academic integrity.
Created By: Alora Kar on 02/14/2015 at 10:18 AM Category: EDIP14-T-III Doctype: Document