2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)
· Be able to appreciate why and how M&A takes place · Be able to understand the significance of and different approaches to valuation in the context of M&A · Be conversant with legal provisions governing M&A · Be able to understand the challenges of integration 3. Required Text Books and Reading Material i. Mergers, Acquisitions, and other Restructuring Activities by Donald M.DePamphilis(Elsevier) ii. Mergers and Acquisitions by Rajinder S.Arora, Kavita Shetty, and Sharad R. Kale(OXFORD) iii. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring by Prasad G. Godbole(Vikas) iv. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring by Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti & S.R.Viswanath ( Sage Publication ) v. Creating Value from Mergers and Acquisitions by Sudi Sudarsanam(Pearson) vi. Handouts
Slump Sale etc.
Total 100 marks
2. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course students will: · Be able to understand the primary sources of Income and tax thereon · Be able to understand the different exemptions and deductions available under the income tax rules · Be able to apply the provisions of the tax laws and compute the tax liabilities 3. Required Text Books and Reading Materials:
Direct Taxes: Planning & Management by V.K. Singhania
Direct Taxes Law & Practice by V.K. Singhania
Direct Tax laws by T.N. Manoharan
Direct Taxes Law & Practice by Girish Ahuja & Ravi Gupta
4. Tentative Session Plan:
It shall be done through term examinations and quizzes. Weightage for different components is as under.
Created By: Alora Kar on 10/17/2014 at 02:04 PM Category: EMBA-14T-III Doctype: Document