Executive MBA: Full Time Term: III Credit: Four Instructor: Prof. Shashi B. Mohanty Telephone: 0674 6647849 Email: sbmohanty@ximb.ac.in
It is said that a product is made in the factory but a brand in the mind of the customer. More and more companies and their consumers are realizing that, one of their most valuable assets is the strength of their brands. A strong brand simplifies consumer’s decision making, reduces risk, distinguishes and differentiates it from competitors’ brands and sets consumer expectations. Strong brands thrive on consumer trust.
At the same time a product, to be branded, has to be differentiated. People think that the product is a tangible offering but a product is anything that is offered to the market to satisfy a need. A Brand is more than a product because it differentiates the product from other products designed to satisfy the same need.
This course is designed to reach an understanding of how to achieve those branding goals. The contents are relevant for any type of organization regardless of its nature of business, be it consumer products, Industrial products, services or even organizations themselves.
2. Students Learning Outcomes
· Be able to familiarize themselves with appropriate concepts, theories and real life examples of successful brands to make better branding decisions. · Be able to learn/explore important issues in planning, implementing and evaluating brand strength. · Be able to consider functions of a brand from the prospective of both consumers and firms and why brands are important to both. · Be able to understand branding & link it with product management.
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
i) K.L.Keller, M.G.Parameswaran and I.Jacob (2011) Strategic Brand Management, Pearson, Delhi, India.
ii) Compiled reading materials form Magazines and Journals
4. Sessions Plan:
Attendance 10% Quizzes (2) 30% (15% each) Literature Review 20% End Term 40% Total 100%
6. Academic Integrity
Kindly refer to the manual of policy for code of conduct.
Created By: Alora Kar on 10/17/2014 at 02:16 PM Category: EMBA-14T-III Doctype: Document