
PM EM-14
Executive One-Year MBA (Full-time) 2014-15

Project Management (4.0 credits)

Credits 4.0
Faculty Name W S William
Program 1 year Executive MBA
Academic Year and Term Term - IV
Course Description
The term project management is now used extensively for the management and accomplishment of any plan, scheme or task. Projects are the vital means of development and economic upliftment. They are the building blocks for generating additional capital and for ensuring flow of goods and services to the nation. In India, large amounts have been and are being spent on various projects for providing infrastructure facilities and for meeting developmental needs. Project management is thus of vital importance to any undertaking that is being newly setup or to any organization planning expansion/diversification of its activities. This 4.0 credit course covers detailed topics of the basic concepts of project management, including initiating projects, planning projects, controlling projects, executing projects, and closing projects. Those who attend the class improve their management skills and abilities to define the project scope, create a workable project plan, and manage within the budget and schedule.

Student Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, you should be able to

· Use project management skills across organization
· Develop Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)
· Create project plans
· Monitor and control project execution process
· Terminate a project with appropriate strategy
· Understand cross-cultural issues in managing International projects
· Develop competency in use of MS-Project for planning and monitoring of projects

Required Text Book:

1) Project Management: a Systems Approach to Planning,Scheduling,and Controlling , Harold Kerzner,10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons

Other Reference Books

2) Project Management: The Managerial Process, Clifford F Gray,E W Larson,G V Desai,4th edition,TMG Publication
3) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK),4th edition, PMI Publication
4) Project Management Framework, David G Carmichael
5) Project Management, Sadhan Choudhury, TMG, New Delhi
6) Project Management for Business, Engineering, and Technology: Principles and Practices, John M Nicholas and Herman Steyn, 3rd Edition, Elsevier (R-6)
7) Planning, Research and Development, Umberto C and Richardo G, Wiley
8) International Project Management, Koster Kathrin

Topics: [Each session is assumed to be of 120 minutes]
Session NumberTopics / ActivitiesReadings / Case list
1,2Introduction and Overviewa) Pennypacker,J S and Grant, K P (2003), “Project Management Maturity: An Industrial Benchmark”, Project Management Journal
b) Case on “ L P manning”
3,4The Organizational Context: Strategy, Structure and Culturea) Staw, B M and Ross, J (1987), “Knowing when to pull the plug”, Harvard Business Review, March-April
b) Case on “White manufacturing’
5,6Team Building and Leadershipa) Einsiedel,A.A.(1987), “Profile of Effective Project Managers”, Project Management Journal
b) Goleman,D.(1998), “ What makes a leader ?”, Harvard Business Review,76(6),92-102
c) Royer,I (2003),” Why bad projects are so hard to kill ?”, Harvard Business Review,81(2),48-56
7,8Cost Estimation and Budgetinga) Hamburger, D.(1986), “ Three Perceptions of project cost – cost is more than a four-letter word”, Project Management Journal,17(3), 51-58
9,10Project Planning (Scope Management)
11,12,13Project Scheduling and Crashinga) Gallaghar,C. (1987),” A note on PERT assumptions”, Management Science,33,p. 1350
14,15Critical Chain Project Schedulinga) Steyn, H.(2000), “An investigation into the fundamentals of critical chain project scheduling”,International Journal of Project Management,19,pp.363-69
16Managing Conflictsa) Thamhain,H.J. and Wileman, D.L.(1975),”Conflict Management in Project Life Cycle”,Sloan Management Review, 16(3),31-50
b) Handling Conflict in Project Management – a didactic game
17Risk Managementa) Jaafari A. (2001), “ Management of risks, uncertainties and opportunities in projects: Time for a fundamental shift”, International Journal of Project Management, 19(2)
b) Case on “ The Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge” (page 241 of the text book)
18Contracts and Procurementsa) (Ch-3): Project Management, Sadhan Choudhury, TMG, New Delhi
19Managing R & D Projectsa) Ch-1 & 2, “Planning, Research and Development”, Umberto C and Richardo G, Wiley
20Managing International Projectsa) Ch-1 and 2, “ International Project Management”, Koster Kathrin
21,22Project Monitoring and Controla) Ch-13 (T-1) and Ch-15 (R-1)
b) Brandon Jr., D.M. (1988), “Implementing earned value easily and effectively”, Project Management Journal,vol.29(2),pp.11-18.
23Project Closeout and Terminationa) Ch-14 (T-1)
b) Meredith,J.R. (1988), “ Project monitoring and early termination”, Project Management Journal,19(5),31-38.
c) Didactic Simulation
24,25,26MS-project exercise
27Wrap up and concluding remarks

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/12/2014 at 03:45 PM
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