1. Course Description: “Multinationality” is an important facet of modern business and it is important for managers to understand international financial development and acquire specific knowledge and skills to function in a multinational business environment. In this course we shall discuss about the Credit Risk, Market Risk, Operational Risk and Forex Risk. The instruments and determination of exchange-rates. The rates themselves are subject to change and it has profound effects on Sales, Costs, Profits, Assets & Liability Values and Individual wellbeing .Political barriers provide additional opportunities and risk when engaging in overseas borrowing and investment. Forex Risk management has the core focus in respect of the problems managers face from these currency risks and managing them for exploiting profitable business opportunities. The preparedness for implementation of Basel II & III has sensitised the banks that the maintenance of capital is emerged as dynamic concept reflecting the various risk banks undertakes during the course of their business. The objective of this course is to provide insight to the students an in-depth understanding and hands on exposure with Risk Management techniques in order to estimate the capital requirements for the Banks with the application of Basel II Approach.
2. Student Learning Outcomes
· Be able to : have basic idea about topology of risk factors, risk identification, risk measurement, risk mitigation and risk management in the financial market
· Be able to ….have basic idea about different instruments in the forex market including foreign exchange derivatives including credit and operational risk
3. Readings and References
Text Book:
International Corporate Finance: Madura ( Tenth Edition), Cenage Learning
Fundamentals of Risk Measurement: Marrison Chris, Tata McGRAW-Hill Edition 2005
Management of Financial Institutions: Meera Sharma
Asset Liability Management: T.Ravi.kumar, Vision Books
Further Readings:
A. Books :
ii. Multinational Business Finance: Eiteman, Stonehill, Moffett and Pandey (Twelth Edition), Pearson Education
iii. International Finance Contemporary Issues :M.D. Levi (Fourth / Third Edition), Routledge Paperback edition
iv International Financial Management: Eun and Resnick (Fourth Edition), 2009, Tata McGraw Hill.
v. Exchange Rates and International Finance: Copeland (Fourth Edition), 2007, Pearson Education
vi. International Financial Management: Apte (Fourth Edition), Tata McGraw Hill
vii. Multinational Finance: Butler (Second Edition), Thomson South-Western
ix. Currency Exposure & Derivatives- A.V.Rajwade –TataMcGraaw Hill
B. Magazines and Newspapers:
4. Pedagogy: Case discussion, Class Presentations, Quiz
Relevant Chapters of above referred Book
Case Study