
Executive One-Year MBA (Part-time) 2014-15

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Quality Management for Business Excellence
CreditsFour (4)
Faculty Name Arun Kumar Paul (; 7381123523)
Program Executive PG One Year ( PT); Elective from OM area
Academic Year and Term 2014-2015; Term 3

1. Course Description: This course deals in developing concepts, knowledge and skills for an integrated approach to quality management, which should effectively lead to achieving excellence in business. The content of this course covers the strategic aspects (through the business excellence models) as well as operational aspects (through problem solving tools and six sigma methodologies).
2. Learning Objective: After completing this course, students should be able to:
ˇ Develop in-depth understanding of “WHAT, WHY & HOW“ aspects of Total Quality Management as Structured Business Initiatives in major functional areas of business and at different levels in an organization,
ˇ View quality from a variety of functional perspectives and in the process, gain a better understanding of the challenges associated with improving quality of a product or service, improving capability of a process, and
ˇ Appreciate and apply some of the quality related tools (including six sigma approaches) as utilized in product and service environments.
ˇ The participants of this course MAY get the opportunity to obtain ‘Green Belt Certification’, provided they meet the requisite standards.
3. Provisional Session Plan:
Session No.
Topic Description
Definitions of Quality, Excellence in Business, Johari window, Customer’s perspective in Quality. Discussions on some well known Quality Gurus & their thoughts.
Various Business Excellence Models in vogue for Organizational assessment.
Strategic Policy Management, Balanced Score Card & other tools to cascade strategy. Kano Model.
Quality Certification and Performance Excellence Assessment ; Corporate Governance, Sustainability.
Quality improvement through concepts of TOC, TPS.
Problem Solving Tools - Old and New sets.
SPC – Control charts, Acceptance sampling.
Service Quality: GAP MODEL (SERVQUAL) and others; COPQ – Loss function.
Overview of Six Sigma Methodology and tools generally used in 6s approaches: Cp, Cpk, DPMO, DMAIC steps; VOC – QFD; Guage R&R.
Benchmarking, BPR, TRIZ.
TPM, Reliability, Why Quality fails!
Quiz, Mid-term, Final Exam, Group PrésentationsAs per agreed schedule
4. Group Work:
A. Theoretical in nature: A short paper / Article on any recent quality related topics (Max 15 pages, A4 size, 12 New Times Roman , single spaced; soft copy and/or hard copy submission on a mutually agreed date, but before the beginning of End term)
B. Practical / Application oriented: Applying concepts and tools learnt in the course, to a real-life situation. (Submission: Hard copy (.doc + .xls) + soft copy (.doc, .xls, .ppt), on the day of Group presentation)
C. Criteria of evaluation:
      Group work A:
ˇ Relevance of topic 10 %
ˇ Sources of information 15 %
ˇ Description of topic 20 %
ˇ Analysis of topic 35 %
ˇ Conclusion 15 %
ˇ Presentation / Formatting 5 %
Group work B:
ˇ Choice of situation 5 %
ˇ Definition of problem 10 %
ˇ Collection of data 15 %
ˇ Analysis of data,
      use of tools 40 %
ˇ Suggested solution 20 %
ˇ Reporting 10 %
5. Evaluation Methodology (for the entire course):
a. Class Room Attendance & Participation : 10 %
b. Quiz (Individual) : 15 %
c. Mid term (Individual) : 15 %
d. Group Work (A + B) (Max 3 students /team) : 10 + 10 %
e. Final exam (Individual) : 40 %
TOTAL 100 %
6. Grading System, Academic Integrity: (to follow the Manual of Policies)
7. Reference, Bibliography:
ˇ Managing Total Quality-Enhancing personal & company value by H K Rampersad, TMH.
ˇ The Toyota Way - Liker, Tata McGraw Hill.
ˇ Quality Control - Prof Kume , Productivity.
ˇ Balanced Score card, Strategy Map, Alignment – Dr. Norton and Kaplan.
ˇ Out of crisis: quality, productivity, and competitive position – Dr. W.E.Deming.
ˇ Let’s talk quality: 96 questions you always wanted to ask Phil Crosby – Philip B. Crosby.
ˇ Juran’s Quality Handbook by J M Juran.
ˇ Fundamentals of Quality Control & Improvement by Amitava Mitra.
ˇ Introduction to SQC - Douglas C Montgomery.
ˇ The Six Sigma Black Belt Hand Book -Thomas McCarty, Lorraine Daniels et al.

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/12/2014 at 11:33 AM
Category: EDIP14-T-III Doctype: Document
