
1yr MBA-Executive 2015-16T-IV

Dynamics of Personal Growth and Development

Faculty Name Prof. FM Sahoo
Program Executive One Year Diploma (PT)
Academic Year and Term 2015-16: Term IV
1. Course Description

Personal and professional growth is an essential element of corporate excellence. This requires an effective management of negative forces operating in organization. More importantly it requires the promotion of positive resources within the individual. The objective of the present course is to help participants to acquire the skills of controlling negative forces such as helplessness and debilitating emotion. The other goal is to assist participants to develop the skills of self-efficacy, resilience, hope, optimism and well-being. The basic goal is to foster cognitive, affective and psychomotor development.

2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)

· Be able to …. Understand positive parameters of personal development
· Be able to …. Assess those parameters for self and others
· Be able to …. Use interventions for their promotion
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

Collected and edited chapters from various sources

4. Tentative Session Plan
Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/Case list etc.
Session 1: Session 2:
Session 3&4:
Session 5:

Session 6: Session 7: Session 8:

Session 9: Session 10:

Session 11:

Session 12: Session 13: Session 14:

Combating Learned Helplessness

Self Efficacy




Well-being & Flow Carr

Workplace Spirituality

Group Presentation

Health & Work place Well-Being

Flow Experience

Workplace Spirituality

Group Presentation


F.M. Sahoo




FM Sahoo

FM Sahoo


Alan Carr

Zohar & Marshall

5. Evaluation

6. Academic Integrity
Expected norms
· Regularity in class attendance & participation
· Timely completion of assignments
· Maintenance of classroom ambience

Created By: Alora Kar on 10/01/2015 at 12:22 PM
Category: MBA EX-15-T-IV Doctype: Document
