1. Course Description
Branding is the central component of marketing strategy and the dominant theme in marketing today affecting not just Consumer Goods but also B2B, Services, and Non-Profits. This course will give students a deeper understanding of the process of brand building in a variety of business contexts, the integrated requirements for effective brand reinforcement and revitalization, and the models, measures and impact of brand equity. There will be special focus on the brands and brand management in the Indian Context.
2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)
· Be able to understand the need of Brand Management for a company. · Be able to apply ideas of the various Brand Management Functions and Strategies in real life. · Be able to develop the necessary skills to build, grow and maintain a successful brand. · Be able to familiarise students with the importance of brand management in the global market.
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
Kevin Lane Keller, and Parameshwaran: Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, (Indian Edition). 4. Tentative Session Plan
a. Class participation: Through regular activities and discussions in a civilized manner. (10%) b. Written Case Analysis: Group level assignment to assess the analytical ability of the students based on a case study (30%) c. Brand Quiz (10%) d. End term: Comprehensive exam with different types of questions (such as short answer, multiple choice and caselets) to test the overall understanding of the course (50%)
6. Academic Integrity
The major role of the faculty will be that of a facilitator. The faculty will also act as a mentor providing constructive feedback (if necessary to individual students) based on their performance in the class/presentations/tests. Please NOTE:
Coming late to the class will not be entertained.
Mobile Phone and Laptops should not be used in the class (unless otherwise instructed).
Plagiarism in the assignment will be dealt seriously.
Tentative schedule.
Created By: Alora Kar on 10/14/2015 at 09:04 AM Category: MBA EX-15-T-III Doctype: Document