Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar PGDM (PT): Term V / VII Course Outline: PM 2 COURSE: Industrial Relations
Industrial Relations is a major force which influences the social, economic and political development of a country. Managing Industrial Relations is a challenging task because it deals with a highly complex, fast developing and ever changing field. Factors like composition of working class, work environment, socio economic status of employees and their attitude towards employment, management philosophy and the changing statutes and enactments by Government, have a considerable bearing on the relationship between employees and employers.
The course will help students to understand the concepts and practices in Industrial Relations with reference to Indian Industries. The pedagogy will include usage of case studies and real-time IR situations in different Indian industries which will help students to gain insight into the different aspects ofIndustrial Relations, challenges that exist in that area and processes to build effective systems aligned with the strategic goals of the organization. 2. Student Learning Outcomes
· To enable participants to understand the role of Industrial Relations in the Organizational process. · To gain an insight into the complexities in the field of Industrial Relations · To understand the different components Industrial Relations processes · To practice the skills needed in Industrial Relations
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
5. Evaluation:
· Mid Term Exam 35% · End Term exam 35% · Assignments 15% · Project work 20%