
MA.E EM-15
One year MBA-Executive 2015-16

Course Name: Macro Economics
Credits 02
Faculty Name Prof. S.P.Das
Program Ex MBA
Academic Year and Term 2015 – 16, Term – I

1. Course Description

2. Student Learning Outcomes

· Be able to develop an understanding of the theories of the firms that deal with the operational issues within the firms.
· Be able to develop an understanding of the theories and principles relating to the macro-economic environment.
· Be able to know how an economy functions, the reasons for macro-economic fluctuations and the corrective measures taken from various spheres such as monetary, fiscal and inter-national trade.
· Be able to develop a familiarity with the fundamentals of macro-economic principles; understand the complexity and implications of fluctuations in macro-economic entities; and relate such changes to the changes in the socio-economic environment.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

- Introduction to Macro Economics by Campbell R Meconnel & Harish C Gupta
- Economics by Paul A Samuelson & William D Nordtaus
- Principles of Macroeconomics by N. Gregory Mankiw
- Macro Economics Theory & Policy William H Branson
- Contemporary Economics by Milton H Spencer
- Macro Economics, Theories & Policies by Richard T Froyen

4. Tentative Session Plan

Session No.
Reading/case list etc.
Introduction of Macro Economics
Prescribed books and journals are available in XIM Library which can be referred. Over and above related handouts will also be distributed during the classes for better understanding of students.
Overview - How do we measure an Economy's progress?
Fundamentals of Macro-Economic Models -The classical approach
Fundamentals of Macro-Economic Models - The Keynesian Approach
Business Fluctuations - What and Why
Inflation - Causes and Cures
The twin traps - Inflation and Unemployment
Money - Nature, Function and Creation of Money
Banking - Creation and Control of Credit and Role of Monetary Policy
Public Revenue and Public Expenditure
International Trade and Balance of Payments
Summing up

5. Evaluation: Quiz - 20%
Midterm - 30%
End term - 30%
Assignment - 20%

6. Academic Integrity : Any kind of academic dishonesty viz. exchange of remarks, notes, gestures or glances at another student’s paper in the examination hall will lead to disciplinary action against the person involved in such dishonest activities. The volume of disciplinary action depends on the gravity of the offence.

Created By: Alora Kar on 08/26/2015 at 12:48 PM
Category: MBA EX-15-T-I Doctype: Document
