
MBA 2014-16: Term-V

SAP – Production Planning
There is a cap of 79 students in this course. ONLY first 79 ONLINE registrations will be considered.
Faculty NameDipak Misra
Academic Year and Term2015-16, Term V

1. Course Description:

The course encompasses learning to implement the Production Planning module of SAP which also includes the execution. The production module helps in the planning and optimizing the manufacturing capacity, parts, components, and material resources using historical production data and sales forecasting. Production Planning module has evolved from incorporating the manufacturing requirements planning (MRP II) into ERP systems. The PP module is implemented with the help of consultants who have gathered vast experience and possess deep understanding of production systems. The course will provide thorough grounding and hands-on experience with the PP module of the SAP ERP package. A running case based on the Global Bikes Inc. (GBI) dataset will be used for the course.

2. Student Learning Outcomes:

· Describe the steps in Production Planning process of a global bike manufacturer
· Implement the PP processes such as material planning processes,
· Implement the production planning processes, and
· Execute the forecasting and Sales & Operations Plan
3. References:

1. ERP Demystified 2/e, by Alexis Leon, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Maximizing Your ERP System: A Practical Guide for Managers
3. Reference Website:
4. Handouts for reference, will be provided for the course

4. Tentative Session Plan:

TopicReading/Case Discussions
PP Organization Structure, Master DataGBI Case Study
Displaying the Stock/Requirement ListGBI Case contd.
BOM: Transactions & CategoriesGBI Case contd.
RoutingGBI Case contd.
Work Center, Product Group & Material PlanningGBI Case contd.
Production Planning & ExecutionGBI Case contd.
Forecasting, and Sales & Operations PlanningGBI Case contd.
Assignment PresentationAssigned Case
Assignment PresentationAssigned Case
Course Wrap up
5. Evaluation:

· Quiz : 20%
· End Term : 35%
· Assignments & Presentations : 30%
· Class Conduct & Participation : 15%

6. Academic Integrity: Broad Course Guidelines
The course is based on the GBI case study and the accompanying dataset. The skills you will acquire in this course will be very useful if you choose to work in Production and Supply Chain Management Information Systems. You are responsible for all of the materials covered in class and in the textbook. You are free to meet your instructor in connection with homework assignments and to clarify any concepts from the lecture, with appointment.

Course Conduct
You will not indulge in any disruptive activities during the class lecture and discussions/ presentations. Adopting unfair means or mal-practice/s, or plagiarism in any form, during the course including the exam/s will attract an F grade in the entire course.

Course Transparency
You are free to meet and ask your instructor regarding any discrepancy as regards evaluation of any component/s with appointment. You will be shown the answer scripts and any discrepancy will be sorted out.

Note: Your instructor reserves the right to alter any of the above. All change/s will be announced in class, via e-mail, or will be updated on the course homepage.
Created By: Debasis Mohanty on 03/02/2015 at 09:53 AM
Category: BM-II T-V Doctype: Document
