
MC EM-15
1yr MBA-Executive 2015-16T-IV

Course: Managing Creativity

Credit: 2

Prof: Suchitra Pal, PhD.


Creativity and innovation go hand in hand as one is generation of new ideas and the other is implementation of those ideas. Creative ideas are the underlying factor for entrepreneurial activities and success of business enterprises. The basic premise of the course is that all individuals are born creative. Some might be exploring it quite regularly while for some it might have gone to a backstage as they didn't have the opportunity to use it often. But the good thing is that it can always be enhanced or brought to the front stage. The course would be conducted with a series of discussions on broad themes with the realm of creativity through articles, cases and assignments.

2. Student Learning Outcomes

· The objective of the course is to help students think of some new ways of understanding and managing the creative processes.

· It aims to make students aware of the steps that go on in crafting creative enterprises in new or existing organizations, encourage innovations at the work place, and develop as well as sustain their own creativity in the midst of demanding situations.

· The course would involve some exercises to help students understand their own creative style.


Session Number
Topics/ ActivitiesReading/ Case list, etc.
Introducing CreativityUnderstanding Creativity - The Manager as Artist byJorg Reckherrich, Martin Kupp and Jamie Anderson

Creativity in Organizations: Importance and Approaches by Michael D. Mumford, Kimberly S. Hester, and Issac C. Robledo

Tending Your Own Inner Work Life: How Finding Meaning in Your Role as a Manager Ignites Your Team's Joy, Engagement, and Creativity by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer

Assessing Individual CreativityBeyond the Chicken Cheer: How to Improve your Creativity by Loren Gary

Creativity Step by Step - Twyla Tharp

Motivating creativity through appropriate assessment: lessons for management accounting educators by Monte Wynder

Myers Briggs test:

Self-assessment exercise:

Individual Level InfluencesCreative Abilities: Divergent Thinking by Selcuk Acar and Mark A. Runco

Idea Generation and Idea Evaluation: Cognitive Skills and Deliberate Practices by Gerard J. Puccio and John F. Cabra

Short brain tests at:

Few Tests would be administered in the class

Individual Level Influences (Continued)The Emotive Roots of Creativity: Basic and Applied Issues on Affect and Motivation by Carsten K.W. De Dreu, Matthijs Baas, and Bernard A. Nijstad

Few Tests would be administered in the class

Influence of GroupTeam Creativity and Innovation: The Effect of Group Composition, Social Processes, and Cognition by Roni Reiter-Palmon, Ben Wigert, and Triparna de Vreede

Creativity and Innovation: The Role of Team and Organizational Climate by Michael A. West and Claudia A. Sacramento

Case Study - Chapter Enrichment Program Teams at the American Red Cross (A)Apart from the case:

Putting the Innovator's DNA into Practice: Philosophies-What Do Highly Innovative Companies Have in Common? by Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, and Clayton M. Christensen

Harnessing Individual Creativity within an Organizational ContextCreativity and the Work Context by Greg R. Oldham and Markus Baer

Fostering Individual Creativity Through Organizational Context: A Review of Recent Research and Recommendations for Organizational Leaders by Mark D. Agars, James C. Kaufman, Amanda Deane, and Blakely Smith

Creating Breakthroughs at 3M by Eric von Hippel, Stefan Thomke, and Mary Sonnack

Case Study - Project Platypus - Mattel’s Unconventional Toy Development ProcessApart from the case:

America's Looming Creativity Crisis by Richard Florida

Promoting Creativity in OrganizationsCreativity in Organizations: Facilitators and Inhibitors by Eunice M.L. Soriano de Alencar

How P&G Tripled its Innovation Success Rate by Bruce Brown and Scott D. Anthony

Case Study - Google's Organization CultureApart from the case:

Toward a Theory of Organizational Creativity by Richard W. Woodman, John E. Sawyer and Ricky W. Griffin

Presentation of progress of Case Diaries, Take Home Assignments, and Group ProjectAssessment of Progress of various evaluation components
Discussion on different techniques to promote or nurture Creative ideas or thoughtsCompilation to be included in the Courseware

The Weird Rules of Creativity by Robert I. Sutton

Leading a Creative team and Creative IndividualsCreativity and the Role of the Leader by Teresa M. Amabile and Mukti Khaire

Directing Creativity: The Art and Craft of Leadership byPiers Ibbotson and Lotte Darso

Leadership of Creativity: Entity-Based, Relational, and Complexity Perspectives by Russ Marion

Case Study - Premiumsoft - Managing Creative PeopleApart from the case:

How to Kill Creativity by Teresa M. Amabile


4. Evaluation

· Class Participation (In Class Discussion on Readings and Case Studies): 20%

· Report (Individual Diary of Creativity): 25%

· Group Project & Presentation: 25%

· End Term: 30%

Class Participation - In Class Discussion on Readings and Case Discussion (20)

Report - Individual Diary of Creativity (25) · How would you go about describing someone as being Creative?
· What does Managing Creativity mean to you?
· Highlight five creative things that you have come across in your day to day life or at your place of work and describe why you think each failed (or worked)?
· Share with us your experiences when you needed to move on with a creative idea or an assignment or a project in your daily life or in your work place that required help from others?
· How do you react when confronted with an issue?
· When do you feel most creative?
· How do you motivate others to be creative?
· Success or failures are a part and parcel of life and chances of failure are high when one takes creative risks leads to successes and failures. What would be your suggestions to turn “failures” into learning experiences?

Group Project & Presentation (25)


Courseware will be provided from:

· Handbook of Organizational Creativity by Michael D. Mumford
· Guide to Managing Creativity And Innovation Compiled by Harvard Business School Press
· Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques by Michael Michalko
· Articles and Exercises from Journals, Magazines and other sources

Created By: Alora Kar on 10/01/2015 at 11:58 AM
Category: MBA EX-15-T-IV Doctype: Document
