2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)
· Be able to understand leadership and its various facets including its theoretical framework · Be able to appreciate and inculcate the various interventions of transformational leadership · Be able to develop interventions to bring about transformational leadership application within his/her organization.
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
1. EQ and Leadership – Fr.P.T.Joseph, S.J. (Tata McGraw Hill) 2. Leadership in Organization (7th Edition) – Gary Yukl (Pearson Education) Courseware (CW) materials along with EBSCO support would be the additional academic supplements that the student would be provided. 4. Tentative Session Plan
The academic integrity would be followed as per the norms laid down in the Student Handbook of the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.
Created By: Alora Kar on 10/01/2015 at 12:39 PM Category: MBA EX-15-T-IV Doctype: Document