
TL EM-15
1yr MBA-Executive 2015-16T-IV

Transformational Leadership
Credits 2
Faculty Name Dr.Sasmit Patra
ProgramExecutive One-Year Diploma (PT) 2014-15
Academic Year and Term 2014-15, Term-III

1. Course Description
Transformational leadership is about improving the motivation, morale and sense of purpose between the leadership and the employees in a mutually beneficial manner, using certain interventions, which lead to higher vision-goal congruency in the organization and optimize the productivity and achievement-oriented values of the organization. James MacGregor Burns (1978) and Bernard M. Bass (1985) have been the predominant proponents and developers of transformational leadership. Gary Yukl (1994) further elaborated several aspects of this concept. This concept seeks to further bring about vision congruency of the employees within the organization by developing a challenging, fruitful and achievable vision which would lead to the generation of a workable strategy and finally culminate with the achievement of the goal.

In order to realize the vision, the leader has to intellectually stimulate and inspirationally motivate the employees or followers and vice-versa in order to generate a genuine sense of purpose by raising the benchmark of the goal and thereby appealing to the values and intellect of the employees for achieving them.

2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)

· Be able to understand leadership and its various facets including its theoretical framework
· Be able to appreciate and inculcate the various interventions of transformational leadership
· Be able to develop interventions to bring about transformational leadership application within his/her organization.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

1. EQ and Leadership – Fr.P.T.Joseph, S.J. (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Leadership in Organization (7th Edition) – Gary Yukl (Pearson Education)

Courseware (CW) materials along with EBSCO support would be the additional academic supplements that the student would be provided.

4. Tentative Session Plan

Session Number
Reading/Case list, etc.
Evolution of Leadership Theory & Leadership Styles
Yukl, [CW] P.T.Joseph, [CW]
Introduction to Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership Vs. Transformational Leadership
Yukl, [CW] P.T.Joseph, [CW]
Transformational Leadership Code- alignment with Vision, Mission
Yukl, [CW]
Power and Influence; Jack Welch Case study
Yukl, [CW]
Art of Persuasion, Art of Empowerment
Yukl, [CW]
Level-5 Leadership
Level-5 Leadership
Gender, Diversity and Cross-cultural Leadership
Yukl, [CW]
Gender, Diversity and Cross-cultural Leadership
Yukl, [CW]
Developing Leadership Skills
Yukl, [CW]
Developing Leadership Skills
Yukl, [CW]
Transformations of Leadership - Case
Transformations of Leadership - Case
Group Presentations & Summing Up
PPTs to be pre-submitted

5. Evaluation
· Quizzes: 25%
· Presentation (Group): 10%
· Leadership Research Paper: 30%
· End Term Examination= 30%
· Class Involvement = 5%

6. Academic Integrity

The academic integrity would be followed as per the norms laid down in the Student Handbook of the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

Created By: Alora Kar on 10/01/2015 at 12:39 PM
Category: MBA EX-15-T-IV Doctype: Document
