This module will examine the crucial and fast-moving field of labour laws in India. This module will also provide insight into the law relating to employment relationship and wage related legislations including social security legislations in India. The objective will be for students to gain insight into the substance and the mechanisms of labour law, but also to have an understanding of how these laws impact a business.
2. Student Learning Outcomes: A. Exhibit a good understanding of the ideas, doctrines and framework sustaining labour laws: B. Exhibit an understanding of social security laws; C. Exhibit an ability to apply this knowledge to hypothetical problems. 3. Required Text Books and Reading Material: # P. K. Padhi- Labour & Industrial Law- [PHI] Latest Edition # Reading materials and Case commentaries, as per requirement, will be made available from time to time. 4. Tentative Session Plan:
Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is destructive to the values of the University, and risks harming the University’s reputation as place of learning and innovation. Therefore any form of academic dishonesty would be visited by strongest possible retribution including expulsion from the program or any other punishment, as deemed fit.
Created By: Alora Kar on 07/14/2016 at 10:52 AM Category: MBA(Exe.)16-T-IV Doctype: Document