
1yr MBA-Executive 2016-17 T-III

EMBA 2016-17: Term-III

Course Name: Commercial Banking
Faculty NameBishnu Prasad Mishra
Academic Year and Term2016-17 Term-II
Tentative Course outline

1. Course Description

Commercial Banking is a comprehensive study of commercial banks and their role in the economy. The course emphasizes the practical application of business and economic principles as they relate to bank management and regulatory policy. The material is presented from the perspective of both bank management, and regulator in order to provide an overview of the interrelated operations of a banking organization, enhance the participant’s appreciation for the complex issues senior bank management faces so as to enable the participants to make decision making in the Banking Sector .

2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)

ü Be able to …..Provide foundation for the understanding of Structure of the Banking systems, related issues and Challenges

ü Be able to …. Learn quantitative as well as analytical approach to the study of bank management

ü Be able to ….learn the recent developments in the banking industry and provide a total organizational viewpoint on the management of Banks.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

Text Book:

Management of Banking and financial services- Justine Paul &Padmalatha Suresh (Pearson – 3rd Edition)


· Iyengar V (2007) “Introduction to Banking”, Excel Books, New Delhi

· Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (2009), “Principles of Banking”, Macmillan, New Delhi

· Trends and Progress in Banking- RBI . available at

· The Oxford handbook of Banking - OXFORD






4. Tentative Session Plan
Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1 What are banks? What do they do?PPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references
2Principles of Banking and Structure Commercial Banking System in IndiaPPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references
3Regulator vs Central Bank: Comparison across the countriesPPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references PPT
4Banking Sector Reforms in India &objective of reforms at different phasesPPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references PPT
5-7Balance Sheet AnalysisPPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references PPT
8Interest rate fixation by banks including base ratePPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references PPT
9NPA analysis & managementPPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references PPT
10 Indian Banking- a leap to the futurePPT, Relevant sections of Text Book and references PPT
5. Evaluation
Weights (%)
Class Participation
End Term
6. Academic Integrity

· Academic Integrity will be adhered as per the norms and policy given by the Institute.

The minimum pass mark on the subject is 30/100.

Created By: Alora Kar on 07/14/2016 at 10:23 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)16-T-III Doctype: Document
