
1yr MBA-Executive 2016-17 T-IV

EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS for Managers and Professionals (ERMP)
Credits 1.5
Faculty NameMousumiPadhi
Program MBA (Exe)
Academic Year and Term TERM IV

1. Course Description

Employment Relations deals with interaction among parties in the employment relationship.It is the dynamic adjustment of the legal relationship between the employee and the employer. This relationship creates reciprocal rights and obligations between both the parties. This course deals with understanding and appreciating how the nature and extent of rights of both the parties gets shaped by the employment contract. In a knowledge economy the contentious issue of ownership over generated knowledge also gets defined by the employment contracts. In a globalized and liberalized scenario which allows free flow of capital and labour these present unique challenges. The course also helps to gain an insight into these aspects of employment relations.
2. Student Learning Outcomes
· Be able to adopt a multi-perspective view and appreciate the legal, economic, and ethical issues related to employment contracts.
· Understand the contractual issues in pre-employment, employment and post-employment phases.
· Understand the contractual issues with regard to intellectual property and apply different legal approaches towards handling it
· 3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
The “Employment Relations” Reading Material provided by the instructor.

4. Tentative Session Plan
Session NumberTopics/Activities
01Introduction to Employment Relations:
Positioning ER in the HRM Map, Theoretical Frameworks related to ER
01 and 02Intent of Offer and Acceptance of Offer
Rescinded / Deferred Job Offers / Detrimental Reliance
03Employment at Will / Notice Period / Cause for Exit
04Employment Bond: Types of employment bond in prevalence in India, Legality of Employment Bonds
05 and 06 Breach of Contract and Remedies
07 and 08Aspects of employment contract in relation to Intellectual Property Rights : Special focus on Copyright, Patents, Trade Secret.
    Work for Hire Contract
    09 and 10Restrictive Covenants: Non Solicitation, Non-Compete, Non-Disclosure
    5. Evaluation
    A) End Term 40%


    Please note that students involved in academic dishonesty will be dealt with as per the Manual of Policies.


    All students are requested not to operate any network enabled devices such as cell phones, etabs, ipads or any other electronic network enabled devices inside the classroom unless otherwise instructed.


    Created By: Alora Kar on 07/14/2016 at 10:51 AM
    Category: MBA(Exe.)16-T-IV Doctype: Document
