
1yr MBA-Executive 2016-17 T-IV

Organizational Structure and Design
Credits 2.0
Faculty Name Prof. Sanket Sunand Dash
Program MBA(Executive)
Academic Year and Term 2016-18

1. Course Description
Organizations defined as goal-oriented social entities and identified as one of the significant inventions of humanity are responsible for producing, distributing and provisioning a major and increasing share of goods and services. Organizational theory refers to the study of organizational designs and organizational structures for better facilitating the attainment of organizational objectives. It includes the relationship of organizations with their external environment and the role of human processes that lead to organizational politics, decision-making codes, and organizational values. Organizations are formed by interactions of people, human processes and technology and organizational theory helps better understand and leverage the interaction for developing and fulfilling organizational goals.

2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)
· Be able to understand the core dimensions of organizational structure, elements of organizational environment and their mutual interaction
· Be able to understand the human processes that inform organizational actions
· Be able to understand the impact of technology, including information processing systems, on organization structure

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

Textbook: Organization Theory: Structure, Design, and Applications (3rd Edition) by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Matthew

4. Tentative Session Plan
Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1 Introduction to Organizational BehaviorChapters 1 and 2
2Understanding Organizational EffectivenessChapter 3
3Understanding Structural Dimensions of Organizational BehaviorChapter 4
Determinants of Dimensions
4Structure and StrategyChapter 5
5Structure, Size and EnvironmentChapters 6 and 8
6Structure and TechnologyChapter 7
Organizational Models
7Types of Organization DesignChapter 10
Human Processes in Organizations
9Power Relations in OrganizationsChapter 9
10Organizational Decision MakingChapter 8 (Daft)
Applications of Organization Theory
11Managing Organizational ChangeChapter 14 + Case Study
12Managing Organizational CultureChapter 15 + Case Study
13Managing Organizational ConflictChapter 16 + Case Study
14Summary and wrap-up

For sessions 11, 12 and 13, cases will be discussed in the class and students are expected to read the theory before coming to class. Chapter slides can be provided to students prior to the class on their request. For session 10, the recommended reading is chapter 8 from the book “Understanding the Theory & Design of Organizations (11th edition)” authored by Richard L. Daft and published by CENGAGE Learning.

5. Evaluation

The different components of evaluation are:
Class Participation 20%
Quiz 1 Quiz 1 10%
Quiz 2 10%
Individual Assignment20%
The individual assignment would require each student to assess their previous organization in terms of the frameworks discussed in the course. This would include rating the previous organization on structural dimensions, analyzing the effect of external forces and identifying the nature of human processes. The detailed expectation from students will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

6. Academic Integrity

Students are expected to adhere to the norms and rules of academic conduct. This includes refraining from using unfair means in examination and plagiarism in projects, citing documents properly and contributing equally to group projects. Any incidence of academic misconduct will be dealt with as per institute rules. Projects and assignments will be checked for plagiarism and those exceeding the 10% limit will not be awarded any marks. Use of laptops and mobiles is not allowed in the classroom.

Created By: Alora Kar on 10/07/2016 at 01:51 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)16-T-IV Doctype: Document
