
1yr MBA-Executive 2016-17 T-IV

One year MBA-Executive 2016-17
Course Name:Human Resources Planning And Talent Acquisition

Faculty NameProf. Tania S Rath
ProgramEx-MBA - Full Time program
Academic Year and Term2016 – 2017 Term IV
1. Course Description

Sustainable Human Resource Management in the VUCA(Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) environment requires careful Human Resource Planning to acquire, sustain, grow and retain talent to survive and thrive in the competitive market.

The course aims at making students familiar with the concepts and techniques of human resource planning , the challenges of talent acquisition process and the role and responsibilities of HR Professionals with regard to planning, designing and implementing human resource policies for talent acquisition.

2. Course Objectives (typically 3-5 bullet points):

· To be able to understand the strategic role of Human Resource Planningin Talent acquisition.
· To be able to understand the human resource forecastingprocess and identify human resource gap in the organisations.
· To be able to understand sourcing and create a sourcing plan.
· To be able to describe various strategies used to attract applicants.
· To be able to understand and finalise selection processes.

4. Required ReferenceBooks :

4. Tentative Session Plan
Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1 Introduction, Review of Job
1.Chapter 5,6,7,from Dessler and Varkkey , Reference books

2.Case studies and activity based learning,

3.Reading materials provided by the Faculty.
2 Strategic HRP, HR Gap, Shortage & Surplus,
3Forecasting Demand & Supply: Quantitative & qualitative Techniques
4Forecasting Demand & Supply: Quantitative & qualitative Techniques
5HRP Exercise
6HRP & Talent Acquisition, Quiz1
7Sourcing & Recruiting talent
8Sourcing & Recruiting talent
9Selection: Assessing external candidates
10Selection: Assessing internal candidates
11&12R & S Activity
13Acquiring talent: Hiring process (Job Offer, acceptance ,joining & Onboarding)
14Quiz -2, Consolidation of learning
5. Evaluation

Class assignment& participation20 %

Quiz: 20%
Individual assignment: 10%

End Term Exam 40%

6. Academic Integrity: Students have to show highest level of academic integrity in writing their assignments, examinations, and doing other exercises, including case presentation. Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation of facts by deception or by other fraudulent means. In an academic setting this may take any number of forms such as copying or use of unauthorized aids in tests, assignments, examinations, term papers, or cases; plagiarism; talking during in-class examinations; submission of work that is not your own without citation; submission of work generated for another course without prior clearance by the instructor of both courses; submission of work generated by another person; aiding and abetting another student’s dishonesty; and giving false information for the purpose of gaining credits etc.

Bringing mobile phones, laptops in the class room is strictly prohibited, unless students have been instructed to do so by the instructor for a particular session.

Created By: Alora Kar on 07/01/2016 at 10:39 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)16-T-IV Doctype: Document
