
MBA(Exe.) 2020-21: Term-I

Course Name: Organizational Behavior (OB)
Credits 3.0
Faculty Name Prof. Snigdha Pattnaik, PhD., and Prof. Suchitra Pal, PhD.
Academic Year and Term 2020-2021, Term I

1. Course Description This course is constructed on the presumption that each of you aspires to be a productive and effective leader within an organizational setting. Organizational leadership requires a deep, and nuanced, understanding of how individuals behave in organizational settings; effective leaders create environments that are consistent with the fundamentals of human behavior in organizations. Each of you begins this course with a set of beliefs and general assumptions about humans and their behavior, and those assumptions form the foundation for your beliefs about what motivates individuals; about how individuals make decisions; and about the ways in which the organizational context influences individuals’ behavior. As we will find out through this course, though, our assumptions are sometimes wrong; individuals don’t always conform to our instinctual beliefs. And organizations are complex systems that influence the way individuals behave— often in ways that are very difficult to understand.
2. Course Objectives: This course is designed to extend your knowledge of organizational behavior from an individual and Group perspectives; and to encourage you to reflect on and apply this knowledge in ways that will enhance your abilities as a manager and leader. How to work in different work groups and teams with losing own identity. Specific learning objectives include:
I. Describe current research in organizational behavior and identify how can be applied to workplace settings
II. Understand how application of OB frameworks, tools, and concepts can enhance individual skills to manage organizational effectiveness
III. Reflect on your own beliefs, assumptions and behaviors with respect to how individuals, and act in order to expand your approaches and increase your own organizational effectiveness.
IV. Understanding the role of teams in organizations and how to move from individual Motivation, emotion, learning, decision making to working for the motivation, emotion and better decision making in work groups and teams.
3. Learning Outcomes 1. Nelson, D. L., Quick, J. C., & Khandewal, P. (2012). ORGB. CENGAGE learning.
2. Greenberg, J & Baron, R. (2009). Behaviour in organizations. Pearson Education Ninth Edition.
3. Singh, K. (2018) Organizatonal Behaviour: text and cases. Pearson. 6. Evaluation Patterns
50% of the evaluation will be over before Midterm and 50% will be done after Midterm.
Total Marks
Quiz I 15 marks (Individual) after Session 8, Quiz II 15 marks after session 18
30 Marks
Midterm Term Paper (Individual)
15 Marks
Group Presentation
20 Marks
End Term (Individual)
35 Marks
Total Marks
100 Marks
7. Term Paper Format:

- Should have a cover page and bibliography/references page – not included in the overall page count
- Are due prior to the beginning of the class indicated on the course syllabus. Due dates/times will be noted
- Should be well organized, follow an essay format and be grammatically correct.
- Brief citations, noting the author’s name and page number in parentheses in the text, for example (Robbins & Judge, p58), are acceptable for assigned readings (please indicate the edition in the bibliography).
- Full citations should be provided for any references to material not on the syllabus. For these, you can use your preferred citation format, although APA format is recommended.
- If assignment is late, it will receive an automatic reduction in grade of one letter, for example from an A to a B. Submission of late papers must be approved in advance or it will not be accepted.
8. How to Succeed in this Course

9. Academic Integrity: Mobile phone is not allowed in the class room. Laptop is only allowed on the group presentation days.

Wish you a Productive Learning experience with us.

Created By: Alora Kar on 08/03/2020 at 12:18 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2020-21 T-I Doctype: Document
