
MBA(Exe.) 2020-21: Term-I


EMBA-BM 2020-21

Faculty NameProf. Ibha Kumar
ProgramEMBA: Class 2020-21
Academic Year2020-21: Term I

1. Course Description

2. Student Learning Outcomes: 3. Required Text Book
· Bovee, Courtland L., John V. Thill and Roshan Lal Raina. Business Communication Today. Thirteenth Edition. Delhi: Pearson, 2017. (You are expected to read the textbook for the course)
4. Reference Material
· Handouts and other reading material uploaded on AIS

Session I:
1. The Present Challenging Environment
2. Introduction to the course

Session II:
IP for practice (all students)

Session III:
The Art of Public Speaking: The Parameters
Feedback to all

Session IV:
Project Topic distribution and discussion to all the six groups

Session V:
Basics of Communication: Process, Barriers, etc.

Session VI:
Listening and Feedback:
Session VII:
Effective Presentation Skills
1. Points to remember:
A) with regard to the subject
B) with regard to the audience
C) with regard to yourself
2. Managing your Audience
3. Handling the Aids
• Making Presentations keeping in view A, B & C

Session VIII:
First 2-minute Presentation for evaluation by 1st 3 groups
Assertion, Negotiation & Persuasion
Experience Sharing

Session IX:
First 2-minute Presentation by the last 3 groups
Meetings and Conferences
Role of the chairperson
Agenda and Minute writing

Session X:
Basics of Effective Writing

Session XI:
Writing Business Documents
Good/Bad news messages
Persuasive messages (AICA)
Refusal messages (4R approach)

Session XII to Session XVII:
5 minute IP 2 & PP for evaluation group 1
5 minute IP 2 & PP for evaluation group 2
5 minute IP 2 & PP for evaluation group 3
5 minute IP 2 & PP for evaluation group 4
5 minute IP 2 & PP for evaluation group 5
5 minute IP 2 & PP for evaluation group 6

Session XVIII & XIX:
MPS health for effective communication and corporate well-being

Session XX:
Revisit and recap

5. Evaluation Pattern

Individual Presentation 110 marks
Individual Presentation 220 marks
Project Presentation20 marks
Mid-Term Exam20 marks
End Term Exam30 marks

6. Academic Integrity

Students are required to read the recommended book chapters and study material before joining us on Zoom. We expect you to actively participate in class discussions. We take all forms of academic dishonesty very seriously. We expect you to take responsibility for your work. We expect originality in all your assignments.

We advise you to strive for 100% class attendance. All the best!

Created By: Alora Kar on 08/03/2020 at 12:13 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2020-21 T-I Doctype: Document
