
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-III

Strategic Marketing
Credits 2
Faculty Name Nirali Shah
ProgramMBA (Executive)
Academic Year and Term 2018-19, Term III

1. Course Description
2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)
· Be able to: understand the relationship between marketing and corporate-business level strategies
· Be able to: thoroughly analyze 3Cs – competitors, customers and context – to identify opportunities for the organization in the industries, markets and/or products
· Be able to: anticipate the competitive dynamics and develop its appropriate response
· Be able to: develop and/analyze the strategies of leaders, challengers and followers in different markets
· Be able to: develop marketing plan

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
4. Tentative Session Plan

Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1Analyzing the role of strategic marketing
Understanding market opportunities
Chapter 1 and 4
    Reading: Marketing myopia
    2Understanding value chain concept
    Developing market plan
    3Corporate and Business strategy decisions and their marketing implicationsChapter 2 and 3

    Reading: When marketing is strategy
    4Targeting attractive market segments and Positioning
    5Product and brand strategies
    6Case analysis
    7Formulating marketing strategies for new market entries – pioneer and followerChapter 8
    8Formulating marketing strategies for growth market – leader and challenger strategiesChapter 9
    9Formulating marketing strategies for matured, declining and emergent markets Chapter 10 and 11
      Reading: McKinsey – The $30 trillion decathlon
        Reading: Strategies that fit emerging markets
        10Case analysis
        11Strategy implementation and controlChapter 12 and chapter 13
        12 & 13Presentation – group project
        14Emerging trends

        5. Evaluation

        Type of activityWeightage
        Class participation10%
        Quiz / assignment 10%
        Case analysis20%
        Group project30%
        End-term examination 30%

        6. Academic Integrity Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 09:11 AM
        Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-III Doctype: Document
