
MBA(Exe.)-BA-2019-20: Term-I


Faculty NameBhaskar Basu, Rahul Thakurta
Academic Year and Term2019-20/Term-I

1. Course Description

This course focuses on using features of Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheet models of different kinds of problems. The curriculum covers representative topics on spreadsheet functions, modeling applications, data summarization and interpretation. The skills learnt in the course will facilitate analyzing and synthesizing data in an effective manner.

2. Student Learning Outcomes

· Be able to ….. understand the core concepts of spreadsheet modeling, and the various commands and applications that facilitate different kinds of analysis covered in the sessions.

· Be able to …. use the spreadsheet applications effectively without any external assistance.

· Be able to …. reflect how problems are solved using a good model and applying a thorough analysis in a straightforward way.

· Be able to … meaningfully analyse data, and summarize information that have practical implications.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Materials

Text Book

Winston, WL., Microsoft Office Excel 2016 Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Microsoft Press.

Reference Books

Persons, JJ, Oja D, Carey P & Carol D. New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 1e, Cengage Learning.

Freund, SM, Jones M & Starks JL. Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Comprehensive, 1st Edition, Cengage Learning.

Gross, D. & Akaiwa, F. Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Excel® 2013: A Problem-Solving Approach, Cengage Learning.

4. Tentative Course Coverage

· Introduction to Excel Modeling
· Data Lookup Functions
· Location & Identifier Functions
· Conditional Formatting
· Descriptive Statistics
· Data Sorting – Filtering – Removing Duplicates
· Working with Data Tables
· Decision Analysis and Optimization
· Forecasting and Simulation

5. Evaluation

· Classroom Participation: 10%
· Exercises: 10%
· Mid-Term examination: 30%
· End-term examination: 30%
· Group Assignment: 20%

7. Academic Integrity

Students involved in academic dishonesty will receive a minimum of ZERO on the particular component in which the infraction occurred. Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means. In an academic setting this may take any number of forms such as copying or use of unauthorized aids in tests, talking during examinations; aiding and abetting another student’s dishonesty; giving false information for the purpose of gaining credits; and resorting to free-riding in group activities. Depending upon the severity of incident, grade deductions or even worse outcome (like getting F) is also likely. Displaying in-appropriate behavior in class during session hours can also lead to marks or grade deductions.

Created By: Alora Kar on 06/26/2019 at 02:28 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)BA-2019-20 T-I Doctype: Document
