Corporate M & A have become universal practices around the globe. In a globalised era, Mergers and Acquisitions take place within a single economy as well as across the globe when cross border transaction happens for survival, growth, expansion and achieving corporate objectives. The opening up of Indian economy is also supportive of these activities. The ever increasing number of M & A activities in India and overseas only suggests that this is going to stay. The objective of this course is to familiarize the participants with various aspects of Corporate Restructuring and Mergers and Acquisitions.
This course will equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand how the various forms of corporate restructuring could impact shareholder value creation.
§ The course will train students to be able to understand Essence of Corporate Restructuring. § The students will be able to be trained to understand Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Theory. § After attending the course, students will be able to grasp capacity problems and strategic control map. § The course entails students to be able to understand agency costs of Free Cash Flows, Corporate Finance and takeovers, value maximizations, stakeholder theory & the corporate Objective. § Students will be able to be trained to have knowledge on Balance Sheet Restructuring and: Asset Restructuring § Be able to understand the significance of and different approaches to valuation in the context of M & A and conversant with legal provisions governing M & A.
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
The class room teaching, discussions, books (text and reference) and course materials would be exhaustive and self-sufficient. I would prefer students to clear their doubts by raising questions at the end of each class or at the beginning of next class and participate in the class. However, following reference books, journals, articles and RBI Circulars can be looked in to have a better understanding of Corporate Restructuring.
a. Corporate Restructuring: From Cause Analysis to Execution By David Vance (Springer publication) b. Mergers, Acquisitions & Corporate Restructuring Book by Ralph Malacrida and Rolf Watter c. Mergers, Acquisitions, and other Restructuring Activities by DePamphilis d. Mergers Acquisitions & Corporate Restructuring - Strategies & Practices by Rabi Narayan Kar/Minakshi (Author, Contributor) e. Mergers and Acquisitions by Rajinder S.Arora, Kavita Shetty, and Sharad R. Kale(OXFORD) f. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring by Prasad G. Godbole(Vikas) g. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring by Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti & S.R.Viswanath ( Sage Publication ) h. Creating Value from Mergers and Acquisitions by Sudi Sudarsanam (Pearson) i. Disinvestment Policy, procedures and Progress (Ministry of Disinvestment, Govt. of India) j. Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance Weston Fred J., Mitchell Mark L. & Mulherin J. Harold, Pearson-Prentice Hall
Quiz : 10%
Mid Term Examination : 30%
End Term Examination : 50%
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Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 09:04 AM Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-III Doctype: Document