
MBA(Exe.) 2017-18: Term-II

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CreditsThree (03)
Program1 Year MBA (Executive Post Graduate Degree), FT
Academic Year and Term2017-2018, Term II

1. Course Objectives
2. Student Learning Outcomes
· To understand the types of operations decisions
· To appreciate scientific methods for making optimal location and layout decisions
· To understand the effect of uncertainty in decision-making (supply and demand)
· To understand techniques for inventory management
· To understand the application of performance management tools in managing operations
· To understand the importance of sustainability in the current business scenario
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
· Heizer, J, and Render, B, “Operations Management”, Pearson 12th Edition. [Text Book]
· Levi, D. S., Kaminsky, P., Levi, E. S., Shankar, R. (2003). Designing and managing the supply chain: Concepts, strategies, and case studies. McGraw-Hill.
· Ballou, R. H. and Srivastava S.K, (2007). Business logistics/supply chain management: planning, organizing, and controlling the supply chain. Pearson Education India.
· Bozarth, C. C., Handfield, R. B., & Chandiran, P. (2008). Introduction to operations and supply chain management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Additional Readings:
· Articles from leading journals such as Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management; An International Journal, International Journal of Production Economics, etc.

Tentative Session Plan (90 minutes session)
Session NumberTopics/Activities
    Reading and Case
Introduction to operations management (OM).
Facility layout
Facility location
4, 5, 6, 7
ForecastingArticle: Lee, P, and Whang. (1997). “The bull-whip effect in supply chains, Sloan Management Review, 38(3), 93-102.
8, 9, 10
Inventory ManagementArticle: Feitzinger, E and Lee, H. L. (1997). Mass Customization at HP: The Power of Postponement, Harvard Business Review, 116-121.

Article: Perman, Stacy. Automate or Die. Business 2.0, July 2001. Article available at the Business 2.0 magazine Web site.

Aggregate planning
Production control
Quality managementCase:
14, 15
Six sigma, Just in time and Lean operationsCase:
Balance Scorecard
Emerging trends (IoT and Cloud computing) in SC
Sustainability and SC
19, 20
Presentation by groups
* Cases will be distributed in the class

4. Evaluation 5. Academic Integrity Created By: Alora Kar on 10/16/2017 at 10:12 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2017-18 T-II Doctype: Document
