
MBA(Exe.) 2020-21: Term-II

    Faculty Name
    Academic Year and Term
2020-21/Term- II
Contact details: Ph.: (0674) - 6647835 (Off.), Mob. : 9438303194, E .mail:

1. Course Outline:

Many and varied are the paths to the summit of corporate greatness. One path is that of ethical business, involving issues such as: why there is a need for ethics in business; what moral principles are available to decision markers; how does moral development take place; how do we create an ethical culture in the organization; how can corporate management excel with ethical business practices and how business ethics have a cash value for the organization. Further business ethics addresses the problem of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and addresses issues like; why should corporations think beyond profit; step into activities that are more humane, sustainability, provide liberty and equal opportunity at work place .This course will unravel the myth that ‘ corporate social responsibility a drain on profits’. This course will focus on CSR as an integration of three areas; environmental wellbeing, economic wellbeing, and individual dignity and human wellbeing. The idea “give back to society” is not charity rather a moral obligation. The main aim of the course is to sensitize the students to different ethical issues involved in contemporary business and how to uphold firm moral values while dealing with complex moral problems in business. This course is committed to inculcate conceptual clarity of some basic moral conduct concepts like; right, wrong, good, bad, just, unjust, obligation, responsibility, virtue, vice and moral dilemmas and moral problems through critical thinking. They will be able to understand and apply moral reasoning in business decision making

5.1 The students will understand the ethical complexities of conducting business
5.2 The students will adopt techniques in scenarios involving ethical dilemma and offer resolution

2. Course Level Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Be able to get conceptual clarity of moral concepts, and moral theories (PLO5.1)

Be able to Learn how to handle complex and tricky moral problems/dilemmas in HRM

and foster moral values in the organization (PLO5.1)

·Be able to carry out practices that promote good corporate citizenship and demonstrate their responsibility towards the society (PLO5.2).

Sessions Topic/Activity Project Milestones

    Introduction to Business Ethics * Reading: Ethics and Conduct of Business-Chapter.-1

    Adam Smith to Milton Friedman (Why Friedman was rejected?)


    The Myth of Amoral Business * [Video-The Eagle’s Secret, by: David McNeil]

    Why Stake holders approach is essential for sustainable business? How profits and ethics truly related?

    Surviving and Thriving in Business. Quiz related to the video


    Some conceptual clarifications:

    Nature and scope of ethics., understanding moral conduct concepts

    e.g. Fact and Value, Moral and Non-Moral Value Judgment, Morality and Law

    Moral Development (Lawrence Kohlberg) ,

    Milestone-1 (Project abstract submission)


    Business ethics in practice

    Understanding Ethical issues, dilemmas:

    (Student participation through case presentation

    Some vicious cases: Case discussion by students


    Whistle blowing: Individual right and duty inside the firm Reading: Chapter 4 of the Text book

    Responsibility, accountability and reliability

    It is expected that students will Come prepared for meaningful discussion in the class.

Moral Judgments in Business: Clear conscience key to one’s moral strength, Cases: Cynthia F. Cooper (WorldCom), Sherron Watkins(Enron), Satyendra Dubey (NHAI)and S. Manjunath,(IOCL),

Edward Snowden (NSA)


    (Lecture plus 2 case presentations by students)

    The Individual within the Organization, Values, principles and virtues in human action: The Socratic Dictum

    The Man in the Glass By: Dale Wimbro

    Case discussion by students (Introductory Case: The Parable of the Sadhu)


    [Lecture]An overview of mainstream ethical theories and their application

    Practical rationality: Deontology, Immanuel Kant [ ET-1] The Principle of Utility Teleology, J.Bentham and J.S.Mill[ET-2]

Ethical insight-3 & 4

      An overview of mainstream ethical theories and their application

      The foundation of human character :Virtue Theory, Aristotle[ET-3]

      Video - Character is Destiny

      Session-10 : Theories of Economic Justice :M.K Gandhi, John Rawls, and Robert Nizick

      Free market economy: Justice and

      the Market System

      Free and Perfect market, fare competition and Market regulations, Frequent Ethical Violations in Business: Morality of bribery and extortion, Business contracts,

      misappropriation and fraud; Conflicts of interest

      Session 12:Ethical Leadership:

      The firm as a community of persons: Moral character in leadership Serving and fostering a sense of service in others: Insight: Parable of Leadership[July-August-1992]

      There are five stories on leadership ,Wisdom from leading organizations:

      HBR Article: Level 5 of Leadership (HBR-January-2001),[ Discussion by Faculty]


      Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business accountability ,

      CSR and support for the bottom line ,Stakeholders Theory

      CSR as Management Idea: Ethics in Action

      HBR Articles :

      Virtue Matrix: HBR;March 2002;Regulation vs. Voluntary CSR Measures

      Environmental Ethics: Bringing the Environment Down to Earth[HBRAugust-1999] [Student presentation]


      he Human Side of Management: HBR-Nov-Dec 1996[Student presentation]

      How Free are Free Agents: HBR June 2001.


      Discipline of Building Character: HBR –March April 1998, 2)

      Lead for Loyalty,HBR July- August-2001


      Significance of Indian ethos and values for HRM in the era of globalization.

      Sessions-18,19 &20

      Presentations: Yudhisthir, Draupadi, Arjun and Bhishama

      Reading (prior to class): Difficulty of being Good by: Gurucharan Das

      Video (in class): The Mahabharata–(From Bharat Ek Khoj Discovery of India, by:Jawaharlal Nehru

      Text Book: Ethics and the Conduct of Business by John R. Boatright, J Smith and Bibhu Prasan Patra, Pearson Delhi, 2017 (8th Edition)



    Quizzes – 20%

    Case Analysis -10%

    HBR article review Presentation (Group) -10%

    Mid-Term – 20%

    End-Term – 35%

    Class Participation 5%


    Quizzes will be of objective (MCQ) type and will be based on lecture notes and class discussion.

    Mid Term Examination

    The midterm examination will be closed book and will cover all the topics covered till the end of 10th session..

    The End Term will be case based. It will application oriented (i.e. analysis of cases) and few subjective questions.

    Group Presentation: Case Analysis and HBR, Article review

    Grading of the case analysis will be based on:

    1. Description of Case facts.

    2. Use of moral theories

    3. Clarity of thoughts

    4. Handling of counter arguments

    The instructor will allot cases to each group for analysis.

    The nature of the course is such that much of the learning comes from the students’ participation in the class discussion. Basically it is a critical thinking class. Better understanding of the course is possible through your thoughtful deliberations in the class.

    Attendance is compulsory.

    **Any team member absent on the day of their group presentation will get 0 in the component.

    Any disturbance in the class may lead to “F” grade in the course

    Course Material:

    For Case Analysis and Article Review each group will be given soft copies of the cases and articles by the instructor... Additional reading materials and class notes will be provided to students through course web.

    All the Best!!

    Created By: Alora Kar on 10/19/2020 at 02:52 PM
    Category: MBA(Exe.)2020-21 T-II Doctype: Document
