
MBA(Exe.) 2019-20: Term-III

Risk Management (RIM)
Credits 1.5
Faculty Name Prof. Ameet Kumar Banerjee
ProgramMBA (Executive) 2019-20
Academic Year and Term 2019- 2020 & Term III

1. Course Description
This course will examine the way businesses assess, control and transfer risk. Moreover, the course design facilitates students with no previous knowledge of risk management to understand, engage in the active discovery of risk management principles and their applications. Moreover, students receive preparedness to function in a business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and implementing risk management techniques. Any risk management process needs to involve identification of risks and associated potential costs, the risk of financial loss, determination of various strategies to treat risk, to achieve desired goals and objectives of the business. Thus, awareness about risk management methods will aid in reducing losses and improve the financial performance of the companies.

2. Student Learning Outcomes
· Understand the importance of risk management and various techniques to mitigate risk.
· This course will help students to know how to use financial derivatives as a tool for risk management.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

· An introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management by Chance & Brooks.
· Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by Hull and Basu.
· Risk Management and Financial Institutions by Hull.
· Value of Risk by Jorion.
· Risk Management and Derivatives by Stulz.

4. Tentative Session Plan

5. Evaluation
Weights (%)
Class Participation & Group Participation
Quiz - I
Quiz - II
End-Term Examination
Class-participation is an integral component of the learning process. The marks in class participation will be linked to your attendance & discipline inside the classroom. In order to fare well class attendance and contributing to the overall learning process will be integral part of the evaluation system. The quizzes will be of MCQ types. The end-term paper would cover entire course syllabus, and will test conceptual understanding of the subject.

6. Academic Integrity

You must demonstrate high order of academic integrity in terms of class participation and involvement in the class. Reading should be a regular practice inclusive of prescribed reading material, newspapers, and other available resources. In case of group assignment, all members of the group should contribute to the preparation of the report and you are expected to write the report in your own style and language. Your basic purpose should be to learn, without resorting to any unfair means for getting a higher score/grade.


Created By: Alora Kar on 12/13/2019 at 01:14 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2019-20 T-III Doctype: Document
