
MBA(Exe.) 2019-20: Term-IV

Faculty NameB.P.PATRA
Academic Year and Term2019-20/Term IV
Course Description

Corporate governance as an area of study has been growing very rapidly for last decade. Lack of transparency accountability, disclosure, control and care for human dignity at the highest level of governance process are considered to be the root cause of down fall of many corporations. To ensure confidence in financial market and to make sure that such collapses do not take place good governance is required. Thus every corporation maintains transparency, accountability, empowerment, and respect for stake holders. Another aspect of corporate governance looks at how the board of directors relate to their owners, the investors who bought shares in the corporation and claim, through the legitimacy of their property rights, to have some sort of say over the affairs of the corporation. Presently two areas the relationship between boards and managers and the relationship between investors, other stakeholders and board is dominating the thinking and writing about corporate governance. This course is designed to demonstrate the importance of corporate governance for stability and long term sustainability of corporations. The main objective of the course is to clearly understand the core concept and role and responsibility of Board of Directors to primary stake holders, secondary stakeholders and the community in general.

Learning Outcomes:
1. To be able to undertake suitable steps to hence the assets and maintain the stability and sustainability of organization.

2. To be able to understand better the role and responsibility company’s top management, the board of directors, shareholders, and other stakeholders.

3. To be able to ensure that the company is functioning in the best interests of all the stakeholder

4. To be able to promote transparency, accountability, and respect to increase efficiency in the organization
Text book:

Christine A. Mallin, (2010 ), Corporate Governance 2nd edition, Oxford , Indian ed. New Delhi

Sessions Plan:
1. Introducing corporate governance

2. The problems of corporate governance 3. Principles of corporate governance 4. Mechanisms of corporate governance 5. Corporate governance in a global economy 6. Codes of corporate governance 7. Issues on the board’s agenda 8. Issues between boards and management 9. Issues between boards and owners 10&11. Issues between owners
12&13.Issues between the company and its publics
14. Transparency & accountability

15.Ethical foundation of Corporate Governance 16&17. How corporate governance has grown during the last decade in India visa-vi other countries around the world. 18. Socially responsible investment (SRI) 19 & 20. Assignment presentation

#relevant case studies will be discussed in the class


Quizzes – 20%

Case Analysis -10%

Assignment Presentation (Group) -10%

Mid-Term – 20%

End-Term – 35%

Class Participation 5%

Quizzes will be of objective (MCQ) type and will be based on lecture notes and class discussion.

Mid Term Examination

The midterm examination will be closed book and will cover all the topics covered till the end of 10th session..

The End Term will be case based. It will application oriented (i.e. analysis of cases) and few subjective questions.

Presentation: Case Analysis and HBR, Article Review

Grading of the case analysis will be based on:

1. Description of Case facts.

2. Use of moral theories

3. Clarity of thoughts

4. Handling of counter arguments

The instructor will allot cases to each group for analysis

6. Academic Integrity

The nature of the course is such that much of the learning comes from the students’ participation in the class discussion. Basically it is a critical thinking class. Better understanding of the course is possible through your thoughtful deliberations in the class.

Attendance is compulsory.

**Any team member absent on the day of their group presentation will get 0 in the component.

Any disturbance in the class may lead to “F” grade in the course

References book:

Nordberg Donald (2011) Corporate Governance, Sage , New Delhi

Cadbury, Sir Adrian (199), Corporate Governance Overview, World Bank Report. OECD (1999), principles of corporate governance, OECD, Paris

Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R. (1997), ‘ A Survey of Corporate Governance’, Journal of Finance, Vol. LII, No.2.

All the best

Created By: Alora Kar on 03/12/2020 at 12:56 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2019-20 T-IV Doctype: Document
