
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-III

Course Name - Product and Brand Management
Faculty NameSandip Anand
Academic year & Term2018-19 & Term III
1) Course Description 2) Student Learning Outcomes
Be able to understand the branding and link it with
a) Overall marketing strategy,
b) Product innovation, and
c) Consumer and society. 3) Required Text Books and Reading Material References
i. Tapan K. Panda (2016). Product and Brand Management, Oxford University Press.
ii. Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict. Global Brand Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan
iii. Jean-Noel Kapferer (2012) The New Strategic Brand Management: Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking (New Strategic Brand Management: Creating & Sustaining Brand Equity). Kogan Page
iv. David Aaker (2010) Building Strong Brands. 4) Tentative Session Plan
S.NTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1-2Brand MeaningCase of Vistara
Article: Brand Love
3Brand IdentityKapferer’s Brand Prism
4Evolution of brandCase of Dove
5New product development and brands
Brand Architecture
Case of LG
Article: Forget the product Life Cycle
6Strategic Brand VisionCase of Bajaj
7Product category development
Role of marketing communication in brand building
Case of RGCHC
Article: Advertising New

Medium: Human Experience

8-9Brand PortfolioCase of Perfetti Van Melle
10Brand ValuationArticles:
i. The financial value of brand
ii. Brand Value: Why Indian and international don't mix
11Product Management (New Product Development)Articles:
i. Design thinking comes of age
ii. How Samsung became a design powerhouse?
12Supply Chain in branding
Sustainability of brands
Cases of Disney consumer products
13To appreciate brand auditIdentified brand for the group project
5) Evaluation
Class Participation
Quizzes (Two best out of three)
Group Project (15%- Qualitative, 15% Quantitative)
End-Term Exam
6) Academic Integrity

Kindly refer to manual of policy for code of conduct.

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 11:53 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-III Doctype: Document
