
MBA(Exe.) 2019-20: Term-III

Course Name: Services Marketing
Credits 2
Faculty Name Krishna Das Gupta
Program MBA
Class and Term 2019- 20 Term III

Course Description The growth of services sector worldwide is evidenced by the fact that the economies of developed countries are today in post-service stage, where the contribution of services to GDP is more than 75%.In the Indian context too, the transition from agriculture to service economy to experience economy to digital economy has been largely successful where the contribution of service sector to GDP is more than 56%. It is imperative to understand the nuances that differentiate manufactured goods from services. The course on Service Marketing tries to extend the central theme of marketing management in the services context and reexamine concepts that need modification and clarification and may not be extendable in the present format

Student Learning Outcomes

The course has been designed to familiarize participants with the characteristics of services, their implications on design and delivery in physical and digital format and highlight the role of coordinated organizational effort through marketing, human resources and operations in gaining sustainable competitive advantage. The course will have embedded field assignments that will help students better appreciate services as an offering and enable them to discern the differentiators from goods.

Student Learning Outcomes

After going through this course, the students will be able to

· understand if services need to be assimilated with manufactured goods based on the classical characteristics in physical and digital context.
· understand customer’s role as co-producer or co-creator in association with the service deliverer, the internal customer in physical and digital context.
· understand critical marketing mix variables from the “co-producer” perspective thereby creating better value for all stakeholder in physical and digital context s.
· Understand customer experience management in service contexts in physical and digital context.
· appreciate and manage service quality for better customer loyalty and retention in physical and digital context.

Required Text Books and Reading Material
Services Marketing –Concepts, Strategies and Cases, K Douglas Hoffman and John E.G Bateson

Session Plan

Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1-3Key Issues
- Macroeconomics, Trends & Opportunities
- Features of Services
- The Servuction Model. Conceptual Framework: The GAP model
Service Taxonomy
Service transition in Manufacturing Co.
Consumer Behavior for Services
Bateson & Hoffman, Chapter 1

“Breaking free from product marketing”, by Shostack

"4 myths of Service Marketing”

“Production line approach to services” by Levitt

Case: Caterpillar

4 &5
Customer Experience Management
Customer Expectations of Service
Customer Perceptions of Service
Bateson & Hoffman Chapter 2
B Joseph Pine &James H Gilmore, “Welcome to the Experience Economy” HBR,July-Aug,1994
“Understanding Customer Expectations of Service.” Sloan Management Review

6Pricing of Services
· Key Issues
- Pricing Strategies Applied to Services Services Specific Issues on Price Discrimination
- Cost Accounting for Services
- Price Bundling and Cross-Selling
- Yield Management
Bateson & Hoffman, Chapter 9
· Key Issues
- Setting Communication Strategies for Services
Distribution Channels for Services
- Internationalisation of Service Firms Relationship Marketing, Customer Profitability
Bateson & Hoffman, Article 3.1, Christopher H. Lovelock and George S. Yip,
“Developing Global Strategies for Service Businesses,” California Management
Review, Vol. 38., No. 2, 64-86
9-10Service Development and Design, Customer defined standards, Service InnovationBateson & Hoffman, Chapters 3 & 5 Shostack, G. L. "Designing Services that Deliver", Harvard Business Review, January – February,
1984, pp. 133 -139
Richard Chase and Douglas M. Stewart (1994): "Making Your Service Fail-
Safe," Sloan Management Review, Spring, p. 35-44.
Case: Meru Cabs
Groups will design service blueprint
11-12Designing the Service Environment
· Key Issues
- A Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Impact of Service
Environments on Customer Behaviour and Satisfaction
- Engineering Customer Service Experiences Employees’ roles in delivering services Managing Demand & Capacity,
Capacity constraints, Demand Patterns, Yield Management
Bateson & Hoffman, Chapter 6
- Carbone, Lewis P and Stephan H. Haeckel (1994): "Engineering Customer
Experiences," Marketing Management, Vol. 3, No 9, p 9-19 Chapter 11& 13.


13The Service Product
· Key Issues
- The Flower of Service - Core and Supplementary Services
- Adding Value via Supplementary Services, managing service quality, Managing Service Personnel
Chapter 4-7

Leonard A Schlesinger and James L Heskett (1991), "Breaking the Cycle of
Failure in Service," in Sloan Management Review, Spring, 17-28

Case Shouldice Hospital

14Project PresentationEICS

The course will help students develop an appreciation of select businesses in the service sector like financial services, hospitality, healthcare, travel, consultancy services, telecom, etc through, case discussions, presentations, assignments and lectures. Students are required to submit 2 page written analysis of the case prior to the commencement of the discussion.


Quiz - 20%
Case Discussion & Write up – 10%
Group Assignment– 20%
Mid term-20%
End -Term - 30%

Groups will have to select a service organization and work through the modules in the organization. They will make a short presentation in the concerned sessions.

Part One Organizational Profile

Describe the nature of your organization’s business • List main product and service • Describe your organizational culture • List your major customer groups, stakeholders, and market segments • List major suppliers and distributors • Describe your organization’s workplace in terms of job title and reporting relationships

Part Two: EICS Categories

Category1 (a) What is your vision and mission, and how are they developed? (b) How does leadership determine and communicate the relationship of customer service to your mission?

Category 2: Customer and Market Assessment (a) how do you determine your target customer and market segments? (b) How do you determine key customer requirements and expectations?

Category 3: Customer Service Plan

(a) What is your plan for creating excellent customer service? (b) How do you incorporate input from internal and external customers, suppliers, and partners into your customer service plan?

Category 4 Customer Service Measures

(a) How do you measure customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction? (b) How do you make customer service data and information available to your organization?

Category 5 Customer Service Processes

a) How do you determine and define your key customer service processes? (b) How do you improve these processes to better meet your customer’s requirements? c) What is your approach to building long term relationship with your customers?
Category 6 Service Recovery

a) What is your approach towards service recovery b) what kind of service guarantees to support a bad service? c) What is your customer’s perception towards your service recovery? D) Cost of lost customer?
Category 7 Employee Education and Motivation

(a) How do your employee training and performance management systems support excellent customer service? (b) How do you promote cooperation, initiative, and empowerment throughout your organization?

Category 7 Service Design

a) Design the Service using flower model b) facilitating and enhancing factors c) explore service innovation based on customer feedback/observation d) Physical Evidence and the Service Landscape

Category 8 Pricing and Distribution

a) Basis of pricing whether customer, competitor or value, b) Is pricing used for Revenue Management c) Intermediaries through which service delivered
Category 9 Managing demand & Capacity

How does the organization cope with excess demand b) how does the organization cope with capacity constraint? C) How do they inventory demand?

Category 10 Result and Continuous Improvement

(a) How do you analyze customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction results and trends? (b) What have you learned from your employees, competitors, and customers about customer services and what improvements have you incorporated?

Academic Integrity As per the Institute’s manual of policies.
Created By: Alora Kar on 12/13/2019 at 12:48 PM
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