
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-III

Financial Institutions and Markets (FIM)
Faculty: B.P. Mishra
Faculty NameBishnu Prasad Mishra
Academic Year and Term17-18, Term-III

1. Introduction
Financial Institutions and Markets (FIM) course is the foundation for understanding of the financial structure of the economy, and the process of intermediation. The course will give you an overview of different financial markets, which will be an input to understand other finance related courses that will be offered going forward.

2. Course Objective
This course will enable students to understand:
· To be able to learn the financial intermediation process and Institutions
· To be able to understand the functioning of various parts of financial markets, and instruments available in India.
3. Pedagogy
The course will be delivered through lectures as per the session wise schedule given below. Students are encouraged to read financial newspapers and bring out points for discussion to the class to see the linkages between class lectures and what is happening in business world.

4. Readings Materials, Prescribed Text Book and Reference Book:
· Indian Financial System, Markets, Institutions and Services by Bharthi S Pathak, 4th edition ( Pearson India)
· PPT slides: Slides of each sessions will be mailed / uploaded in AIS to the students
§ Annual Report of SEBI
§ Annual Report- Reserve Bank of India
§ Annual Report of Ministry of Finance, GOI
Financial Website:
· The Live Mint :
· bank of India..Financial Market Watch
· : Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
· : Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.
· : Association of Mutual Funds in India
· STCI Primary Dealer Ltd.
· : National Stock Exchange
· Mumbai Stock Exchange

5. Evaluation Pattern
Weights (%)
Class Participation
Quiz - I
Quiz - II
End-Term Examination

Class-participation is an integral component of the learning process. The marks in class participation will be linked to your attendance & discipline inside the classroom. To get good marks one has to attend all classes and contribute to the overall learning process of the class. This component of mark involves subjectivity.

The quizzes will be of MCQ types. The end-term paper would cover entire course syllabus, and will test understanding of the subject.

7. Session – Wise Schedule

Session 1: An Overview of Indian Financial System

This session will focus on discussing of how Indian financial system works, and will discuss how different stakeholders are driving the functioning of the market. Context of the discussion will be from a manager’s prospective who is looking for sources of capital to invest.

Session 2: Role of Markets and Implications of the Market Imperfections

This session will focus on role markets perform in allocating financial resources. Given that markets are prone to failure, this session will cover basics of market failure and what are the implications.

Session 3 ,4 & 5: Understanding Stock Market and Institutions

These sessions will discuss how stock market works, and how does it signals to managers. Besides, we will discuss about the process of initial public offering (IPO), follow up public offerings (FPO), and private placement process.

Session 6, 7 & 8: Understanding Bond Market and Institutions

These sessions will discuss the instruments available in bond market, and how does it works. Besides, we will discuss the relationship between price of the bond and interest rate.

Session 9: Understanding Money Market and Institutions

This session will discuss who are the players in money market, and how does it work. Besides, we will discuss how the dynamics in money markets affect the interest rate.

Session 10: Connecting the dots Across Markets and Q&A

In this session attempt will be made to see the linkages across various markets to develop a holistic understanding of the subject.

8. Academic Integrity
You must demonstrate high order of academic integrity being attentive in the class and regularly read the prescribed reading material. In case of group assignment, all members of the group should contribute to the preparation of the report and you are expected to write the report in your own style and language. Your basic purpose should be to learn, without resorting to any unfair means for getting a higher score/grade.

NOTE: - the minimum pass mark in the course is 30%.

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 09:00 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-III Doctype: Document
