
MBA(Exe.)-BA-2019-20: Term-I

Operations Research
ProgramEMBA in Business Analytics
Term I (July – September)
Faculty NameSandipan Karmakar

Course Description
Learning Outcomes

a. The students will be able to express the business decision making problems mathematically after the completion of this course
b. The students will be able to solve those business problems using several tools and techniques which are to be discussed in this course
c. The students will be able to solve those problems using computer
d. Finally, the students will be exposed to operations specialization of business management using several case studies
Session Plan

1Introduction to OR
1. What is OR
2. Need of OR in Management Studies
3. Applications of OR in Management Studies
4. Formulation of Business Problems
a. Objective Functions
b. Constraints
2Introduction to Linear Programming Problems (LPPs)
1. Introduction to LPPs
2. Different Types of Solutions to LPPs
a. Feasible
b. Infeasible
c. Optimal and Multiple Optimal Solutions
3-4Solving LPP:
1. Graphical Method
2. Algebraic Method
3. Simplex Algorithm
5-9Special Cases of Linear Programming Problems
1. Problems with >= and = types of Constraints
2. Unbounded Problems
3. Degeneracy
4. Infeasible Problems
10-11Duality Theory & Sensitivity Analysis
1. Primal-Dual Relationship
2. Managerial Interpretation of Dual
3. Sensitivity Analysis
12-14Transportation Models
1. Introduction
2. Supply and Demand in Transportation Model,
3. Balanced and Unbalanced transportation problem.
Solution of Transportation Model
1. North-West corner Method
2. Least Cost Method
3. Vogel’s Approximation Method
4. Optimality Test of Transportation Model
15Assignment Models
1. Introduction
2. Solution by Hungarian Method
3. Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP)
16-19Network Programming Problem
1. Introduction
2. Terminologies
3. Shortest Path Problems (SPT)
4. Minimum Spanning Tree Problems
5. Maximum Flow Problem
6. Minimum Cost Flow Problem
7. Critical Path Method (CPM)
8. Project Evaluation and review Technique (PERT)
20Project Presentation

1. 1 Quiz of 30% weight. – Offline
2. Mid Term of 30% weight – Offline
3. End-term of 40% weight – Offline
No Makeup Exams. Marks for missed components will be equated to the minimum of the other attended components (in percentage terms).


1. Operations Research – Principles and Practice by Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg, Wiley, 2nd Edition
2. Introductory Operations Research: Theory and Applications by Kasana and Kumar, Springer
3. Introduction to Operations Research by Hillier & Lieberman, 10th Edition, TMH
Academic Integrity

Malpractice in any form will be dealt with as per manual of policies

Created By: Alora Kar on 06/26/2019 at 10:04 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)BA-2019-20 T-I Doctype: Document
