
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-IV

Enterprise Resource Planning
Faculty NameDipak Misra
Academic Year and Term2018-19, Term IV

1. Course Description

Enterprise Systems includes enterprise resource planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and other enterprise-level systems such as the Human Capital Management (HCM) which are critical to all dynamic companies having global presence.

SAP – ERP is designed to support and integrate almost every functional area of a business process such as Procurement, sale and distribution, finance and controlling, manufacturing etc. SAP SD and MM are two of the biggest modules in SAP. We will have these modules under our purview in this course. SAP Materials Management (MM) is an important part of Logistics area and helps in managing purchasing, external services management, Inventory Management, Logistic invoice verification. SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) is another vital module which covers sales, shipping and transportation, billing and reporting.

The course aims to provide both an overall exposure to the basic ERP concepts, and the specifics of the Materials Management and the Sales and Distribution modules. So, a thorough grounding on Enterprise Systems for Management including the basics of System Integration, the Enterprise Systems Architecture, and ERP Implementation Life Cycle will be covered first. Then, the course will encompass learning to implement the MM and the SD modules of SAP which will be predominantly through hands-on lab exercises to get acquainted with the MM and SD modules of the SAP interface.

2. Student Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course participants will be able to:
· Understand concepts in MM Procure to pay process, Master data, Materials procurement, Procurement processes, Goods receipt, Goods issue and inventory. Be able to run transactions on SAP to complete standard MM cycles
· Understand concepts in SD processes such as SD Pricing, Delivery Processing and Billing, Basic Billing procedure, and Credit management. Be able to run transactions on SAP to complete standard SD cycles.

3. Required Text Books and Reading Materials
a. Enterprise Systems for Management, Motiwalla & Thompson, Pearson Education
b. Learning Materials provided under the SAP University Alliances Program

4. Tentative Session Plan
SessionTopicReading/Case Discussions
1SAP Intro & MM BasicsSAP – UAP materials
2Vendor and Material Master Data SAP – UAP materials
3Purchase Requisition and QuotationSAP – UAP materials
4Purchase Order & Goods ReceiptSAP – UAP materials
5Invoicing & PaymentSAP – UAP materials
6SD Master Data (Customer Master & Material Master)SAP – UAP materials
7Inquiry & QuotationSAP – UAP materials
8Sales Order & DeliverySAP – UAP materials
9Materials & Goods IssueSAP – UAP materials
10Invoice Receipt & Customer Payment ProcessingSAP – UAP materials

5. Evaluation
a. Quiz – 20%
b. End Term – 30%
c. Assignments – 40%
d. CP – 10%
6. Academic Integrity:

Broad Course Guidelines
Your attitude toward learning the course material will influence your learning and performance. The skills you will acquire in this course will be very useful irrespective of your future roles in any business. You are responsible for all of the materials covered in class and in the textbook. You are free to meet your instructor in connection with homework assignments and to clarify any concepts from the lecture, with appointment.

Course Conduct
You will not indulge in any disruptive activities during the class lecture and discussions/presentations. If I discover any such activity, you will lose attendance and will be asked to leave the classroom. Students not attending classes are responsible for the class coverage and announcements. Mobile phones are not allowed inside the class room. Laptops may be brought to the class when instructed to do so (for the specific class/es). Adopting unfair means or mal-practice/s, or plagiarism in any form will make you eligible to get an F grade in the entire course.

Class Participation

BIS Practices do evolve continuously over time. So, class participation is essential to the success of the class. Obviously, you must attend classes in order to participate. You should provide meaningful contribution to the class through comments and discussion. Attendance will also be used to decide on the marks for your class participation component.

Course Transparency

You are free to meet and ask your instructor regarding any discrepancy as regards evaluation of any component/s with appointment via email. You will be shown the answer scripts and any discrepancy will be sorted out.

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/20/2018 at 10:05 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-IV Doctype: Document
