
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-III

Course Name: International Finance

EMBA- 2018-19: Term-III

Faculty NameProf. B.P.Mishra
Academic Year and Term2018-19 BATCH
Term -III

1. Course Description: The course on International Finance is designed to enhance understanding of global financial environment. The scope and relevance of international finance have been fast evolving due to increasing integration of capital markets. “Multinationalism” is an important facet of modern business and it is important for managers to understand international financial development and acquire specific knowledge and skills to function in a multinational business environment. In this course we shall discuss about the foreign exchange market and instruments, about balance-of-payments and determination of exchange-rates. You would also be made familiar with the foreign-exchange derivatives (forward, futures, option, and swap) and learn how they can be used along with other techniques to manage foreign-exchange exposure. Coverage will also be in respect of International Capital Budgeting and different funding sources.

2. Student Learning Outcomes

· Be able to: have basic idea about foreign exchange market and determination of exchange rates

· Be able to ….have basic idea about different instruments in the forex market including foreign exchange derivatives

· Be able to … have an idea about how to use foreign exchange derivatives and other techniques to manage foreign exchange exposures.

· Be able to … appreciate the nuances of the International Capital budgeting decisions and funding rationale.

3. Readings and References

Text Book:

International Financial management: Jeff Madura (12e), Cenage Learning

Further Readings:

A. Books :

i. Multinational Financial Management: Shapiro (Eighth Edition), John Wiley & Sons

ii. Multinational Business Finance: Eiteman, Stonehill, Moffett and Pandey (Twelth Edition), Pearson Education

iii. International Finance Contemporary Issues: Levi (Fourth / Third Edition), Routledge Paperback edition

iv International Financial Management: Eun and Resnick (Fourth Edition), 2009, Tata McGraw Hill.

v. Exchange Rates and International Finance: Copeland (Fourth Edition), 2007, Pearson Education

vi. International Financial Management: Apte (Fourth Edition), Tata McGraw Hill

vii. Multinational Finance: Butler (Second Edition), Thomson South-Western College Publishing

viii. International Finance: O' Brian (Second Edition), Oxford University Press

B. Magazines and Newspapers:

The Economic Times

Financial Express

The Economist


The Wall Street Journal

The Financial Times

SessionTopics to be covered
1,2,3· Introduction
Exchange Rate quotations
· Determination of Exchange rates
· Balance of Payments- Domestic Economy and world Trade
4,5· International parity Conditions
· Case /Mini case Discussion
6,7· Currency Forward, Futures, Option, Swap
8· Measuring and Managing Foreign-Exchange Exposure
9,10International Capital Budgeting & International Funding

6. Academic Integrity: Students involved in academic dishonesty will receive a ZERO grade on the particular component in which the violation occurred. Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means such as copying or use of unauthorized aids in tests, talking during in-class examinations; aiding another student’s dishonesty; and giving false information for the purpose of gaining credits.

NOTE: - the minimum pass mark in the course is 30%.


Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 09:02 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-III Doctype: Document
