
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-IV

Compensation & Reward Management
Faculty NameDr Arup Roy Chowdhury
Academic Year and Term2018-19 (Term IV)

1. Course Description

Compensation & Reward Management, as a subject of study, has evolved considerably in recent years. In industry and in academia, this subject has received its renewed interest. On one hand organizations need to rationalize the cost of compensation, and on the other organizations need to address the issues pertaining to employee retention and motivation. Keeping in view of such criticality, the course has been designed to develop the knowledge of the students to understand the theories and the process of compensation design thereby aligning with the business goals and the strategies of the organizations. Executive compensation design has become an important area in compensation & reward management paper. All these are discussed with practical examples from the industry & through case studies. With multiple compensation design exercises, students will develop also their professional expertise in the area of compensation & reward management.

2. Student Learning Outcomes
· Proficiency in compensation design
· Strategically align compensation with the business goals of the organizations
· Optimize the cost of compensation
· Rationalize compensation without ignoring the need for talent retention & motivation
· Design rewards for increased level of employee engagement and motivation
· Pay for Performance
3. Suggested Text Books/ Reading Material
· Milkovich, Newman & Venkatarathan-Compensation-Special Indian Edn- [McGraw Hill]- Latest Edition
· Case Studies

Tentative Session Plan

Session Number
Compensation - Compensation Responsibilities - Compensation System Design Issues - Compensation Philosophies - Compensation Approaches
Strategic Compensation Planning; Development of Base Pay System; Compensation as a Retention Strategy;
Executive Compensation; Cost to Company (CTC); EVA; Pay for Performance; Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP); Compensation Management in Multi-National Companies (MNCs)
Nature and objectives of Job Evaluation; Principles and procedures of Job Evaluation; Introduction to basic Job Evaluation methods
Project Presentation


A mix of lecture and case study-based approach would be adopted.

5. Evaluation

Sl. No.
Weightage (%)
End Term Exam
Individual Project

The institute norms for attendance and grading would be followed. No requests for grace marks, increase in the grades/marks would be entertained after declaration of the results.

6. Academic Integrity

Students are expected to show the highest level of academic integrity in their submissions and assignments. Please note that students involved in academic dishonesty will be dealt with as per the Manual of Policies.

Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means. In an academic setting this may take any number of forms such as copying or use of unauthorized aids in tests, assignments, examinations, term papers, or cases; plagiarism; talking during in-class examinations; submission of work that is not your own without citation; submission of work generated for another course without prior clearance by the instructor of both courses; submission of work generated by another person; aiding and abetting another student’s dishonesty; and giving false information for the purpose of gaining credits.

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 09:32 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-IV Doctype: Document
