
MBA(Exe.) 2019-20: Term-I

Course Name: Organizational Behaviour
Credits 3.0
Faculty Name Suchitra Pal, PhD.
Program EXMBA
Academic Year and Term 2019 Term I

1. Course Description: People enjoy learning behavior based subjects in organizations. It gives us unique insight on everyday processes and phenomena’s of our life. After all, such knowledge helps us to understand a key part of the world in which we live. Organizational behavior covers three broad areas: the individuals in the organization, the groups/teams in the organization and organization structure and design. In this course we will cover individuals in the organization and how to work in teams. We may work for the same organization but our personality, motivation, emotion, attitude and other personal factor varies. Let us have a look how all of these individual and group factors play a role in working for an organization.

2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

1. Nelson, D. L., Quick, J. C., & Khandewal, P. (2012). ORGB. CENGAGE learning.
2. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A. & Vohra, N. (2016). Organizational Behaviour. Pearson
3. Greenberg, J & Baron, R. (2009). Behaviour in organizations. Pearson Education Ninth Edition.
4. Singh, K. (2010) Organizatonal Behaviour: text and cases. Pearson.
4.Tentative Session Plan
Session noTopics/activitiesReading/case list
1Introduction to organizational Behavior Chapter 1 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
2Attitude and job satisfactionChapter 3 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
3Emotions and Moods Chapter 4 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
4.Emotions and moodsChapter 4 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
5.Personality and valuesChapter 5 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
6Perception and individual decision makingChapter 6 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
7Motivation at work Chapter 7 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
8Transataitional Analysis (TA)Handout will be given in the class
9Stress Management
10Case Discussion (Alex)
11LeadershipChater 12 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
12Working in teams (FIRO-B)
13Conflict Management and Negotiation SkillsChapter 14 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
14Case Discussion
15Decision Making in Teams
16Why team dysfunction
17Power and politicsChapter 13 of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
18Role of interpersonal communication for working in teamsChapter 11 of of Robbins, Judge and Vohra book
19Group Presentation
20Group Presentation
5. Evaluation Patterns

6. Academic Integrity: Mobile phone is not allowed in the class room. Laptop is only allowed on the group presentation day.

Created By: Alora Kar on 06/21/2019 at 03:47 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2019-20 T-I Doctype: Document
