
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-IV

Strategy Simulation
Faculty NameProf. Anshuman Tripathy
Academic Year and Term2018-19, Term-IV

1. Course Description

Through a business simulation spread across 2 Practice Rounds and 10 Live Rounds, each representing a financial year, the students would get an immersion of a multi-disciplinary, competitive, business decision making setting by taking on the roles of business leaders who take key decisions to set the direction of their respective organizations over a long period of time. The application ensures that the student is acquainted with real-life scenarios and therefore, learns to adopt an effective thought-process. It provides students an opportunity to participate in the process of analysing complex, ill-defined problems, requiring short, medium, and long term planning in a realistic environment.

2. Student Learning Outcomes
· Understand the dynamics of operating in a competitive environment
· Appreciate the importance of the annual business planning exercise carried out in organizations
· Observe the objective of a holistic view and how it is drawn from a detailed analysis by preparing the Vision, Mission, and Objectives of their respective organizations along with subsequent annual business plans
· Apply concepts learned in Economics, Finance, Production, Marketing, and HR to frame as well implement the Strategy of the organization and hence learn the inter-relations of the various business areas
· Gauge the impact of their organization’s pricing decision, production planning decision, introducing new products or getting into new markets vis-à-vis the same decisions taken by other organizations
· Understand how to read the financial statements of different companies so as to examine their own financial health as well as interpret various decisions taken by competitors
· Learn to work in a team by dividing responsibilities of various functions with the members
· Translate their outcomes in the form of writing a Letter to the Share-holders
· Playing the role of business analysts to prepare a Market Outlook Report
3. Reference Text Books and Courseware

The course would be conducted through the Business Simulation application developed by Cesim Oy (, a Finland based business simulation company.

4. Tentative Session Plan

The simulation would be conducted in the Computer Lab and each session would be of 2 hours duration.
Topics/ Key Learning
Introduction to business simulation case study, game and application interface
Practice round 1
Practice round 2
Doubt clearing session
Round 1 & 2
Round 3 & 4
Round 5 & 6
Round 7 & 8
Round 9 & 10
Discussion on results and sharing of experience
5. Evaluation

· Vision, Mission, Objective (VMO) Statements of their respective Organization : 5%
· Achievement of the respective VMO Statements at the end of the 10th round : 10%
· Course Improvement Feedback : 5%
· Evaluation Based on Outcome of Simulation after each Round (7 X 10) : 70%

6. Academic Integrity
The academic integrity would be followed as per the norms laid down in the Student Handbook of the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 09:24 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-IV Doctype: Document
