
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-IV

Course Name -Industrial Relations
Credits 1.5
Faculty Name Mousumi Padhi
Program MBA (Exe)
Academic Year and Term TERM IV

1.Course Description 2. Student Learning Outcomes (typically 3-5 bullet points)
· Be able to understand the role of various actors in Industrial Relations
· Be able to understand the varieties of Collective action industries and
· Be able to understand the processes of Collective representation and Collective bargaining

3. Required Text Books and Reading Material

Industrial Relation, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation by PRN Sinha, I.B. Sinha and S.P. Sekhar, Pearson Publication, 3rd Edition

4. Tentative Session Plan
Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1Industrial Relations concepts and contours: Different models and approaches to study IR, actors of IR; New trends and challenges in the field of IR.
2 and 3 Overview of IR in India: Role of State – IR machinery; current status, relevance and future prospects. Bosch India
4 and 5Overview of IR in India: Role of Trade Unions – Rationale, background, and current status and changing role of trade unions.
Maruti Suzuki Case
6 and 7 Legal Framework: Understanding Indian Labour Laws - ID Act, TU Act, and Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act.
8 Dynamics of Labour-Management Relations: Concepts of Industrial democracy and workers participation in management.
9Grievance management and DisciplineThe Promotion which never came
10Collective Bargaining and wage negotiations Autoco

5. Evaluation

· End Term 40%
· B) Quiz 30%
· C) Project 30%

6. Academic Integrity

Please note that students involved in academic dishonesty will be dealt with as per the Manual of Policies. All students are requested not to operate any network enabled devices such as cell phones, etabs, ipads or any other electronic network enabled devices inside the classroom unless otherwise instructed.

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/17/2018 at 09:28 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-IV Doctype: Document
