
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-III

Course Name: Services Marketing
Credits 2
Faculty Name Krishna Das Gupta
Program EMBA
Class and Term 2018- 19 Term III

Course Description The growth of services sector worldwide is evidenced by the fact that the economies of developed countries are today in post-service stage, where the contribution of services to GDP is more than 75%.In the Indian context too, the transition from agriculture to service economy has been largely successful where the contribution of service sector to GDP is more than 56% .It is imperative to understand the nuances that differentiate manufactured goods from services. The course on Service Marketing tries to extend the central theme of marketing management in the services context and reexamine concepts that need modification and clarification and may not be extendable in the present format. It examines the dynamics of services in the IT and ITES sector.

Student Learning Outcomes

The course has been designed to familiarize participants with the characteristics of services, their implications on design and delivery, and highlight the role of coordinated organizational effort through marketing, human resources and operations in gaining sustainable competitive advantage. The course will have embedded field assignments that will help students better appreciate services as an offering and enable them to discern the differentiators from goods.

Student Learning Outcomes

After going through this course, the students will be able to

· understand if services need to be assimilated with manufactured goods based on the classical characteristics.
· understand customer’s role as co-producer or co-creator in association with the service deliverer, the internal customer.
· understand critical marketing mix variables from the “co-producer” perspective thereby creating better value for all stakeholders.
· Understand customer experience management in service contexts.
· appreciate and manage service quality for better customer loyalty and retention

Required Text Books and Reading Material
Service Marketing; Concepts, Strategies and Cases 5th editionHoffman/Bateson-

Session Plan

Session NumberTopics/ActivitiesReading/case list etc.
1-3Role and Importance of Services in the Global Economy, Introduction to the concept of “Services”. Conceptual Framework: The GAP model
Service Taxonomy
Consumer Behavior for Services
Chapters 1 & 2, Article Vargo and Lusch,

“Breaking free from product marketing”, by Shostack

"4 myths of Service Marketing”

“Production line approach to services” by Levitt


4 &5
Customer Experience Management
Customer Expectations of Service
Customer Perceptions of Service
B Joseph Pine &James H Gilmore, “Welcome to the Experience Economy”HBR,July-Aug,1994
“Understanding Customer Expectations of Service.” Sloan Management Review
6Service Recovery, Impact of services failure and recovery. Service Recovery Strategies Case
C. L. Hart, “The Profitable Art of Service Recovery”
7&8Listening to Customer through research, Relationship Marketing, Customer Profitability Case Case: Quality Improvement That Customers did not want
Carlzon, J. "Putting the Customer First: The Key to Service Strategy" The McKinsey Quarterly,
Summer 1997.
9-10Service Development and Design, Customer defined standards, Service InnovationShostack, G. L. "Designing Services that Deliver", Harvard Business Review, January - February
1984, pp. 133 -139
Case: Meru Cabs
11-12Approaches to pricing services, Revenue Management

Employees’ roles in delivering services Managing Demand & Capacity,
Capacity constraints, Demand Patterns, Yield Management



13Physical Evidence and the Service Landscape, Strategic Issues in Managing ServicesB Mittal, “The Advertising of Services: Meeting the Challenge of Intangibility,” Journal of Services Research 2 (August 1999),pp. 98-116
14Project PresentationEICS


The course will help students develop an appreciation of select businesses in the service sector like financial services, hospitality, healthcare, travel, consultancy services, telecom, etc through, case discussions, presentations, assignments and lectures. Students are required to submit 2 page written analysis of the case prior to the commencement of the discussion.


Quiz - 30%
Case Discussion & Write up – 20%
Group Assignment– 10%
End -Term - 40%

Academic Integrity As per the Institute’s manual of policies.
Created By: Alora Kar on 11/20/2018 at 09:47 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-III Doctype: Document
