2. Student Learning Outcomes · To understand the role of markets and their contribution to economic development. · To understand the various characteristics of different types of markets and the type of instrument traded. · To understand financial intermediation process.
3. Required Text Books and Reading Material
· Financial Institutions and Markets by Jeff Madura. · Financial Markets and Institutions by Miskin & Eakins. · Annual Reports of RBI. · Annual Reports of SEBI. · Livemint · Economic Times of India. · Browse Clearing Corporation of India Website. · FIMMDAs Website.
4. Tentative Session Plan
Session 1: Overview of Financial System
This session covers topics on overview of the financial system and financial markets as a facilitator of economic development.
Session 2: Market Segmentation
This session covers aspects on market segmentation and their characteristics.
Session 3: Financial Mathematics
This session covers a brief discussion on time value of money concepts.
Session 4: Money Markets
Introduction to Money markets and instrument traded in the Money market, followed by how does money market facilitates bridging short-term borrowings.
Session 5 & 6: Fixed Income Market
This session begin discussion about fixed income markets/debts markets. Further, discuss on different types of bonds and their characteristics.
Session 7: Equity Markets
These sessions will discuss how equity market works, with a brief discussion about primary and secondary market, followed by valuation techniques.
Session 8: Mutual Fund Industry
The session covers discussion about Mutual fund industry and its functional mechanism.
Session 9 & 10: International Finance
Introduction global financial market, market infrastructure, practices, and rate quotation system. The role of FII’s in these markets. Discussion of ADR & GDR’s. Followed by learnings to managers.
5. Evaluation
6. Academic Integrity
You must demonstrate high order of academic integrity in terms of class participation and involvement in the class. Reading should be a regular practice inclusive of prescribed reading material, newspapers, and other available resources. In case of group assignment, all members of the group should contribute to the preparation of the report and you are expected to write the report in your own style and language. Your basic purpose should be to learn, without resorting to any unfair means for getting a higher score/grade.