
MBA(Exe.) 2017-18: Term-III

Xavier Institute of Management (Bhubaneswar)
Xavier University
Executive MBA-2017-18
Valuation (1.5 credit)
Finance Elective
Instructor: Prof Santanu K. Ganguli


1.Valuation is the central theme of finance. The highlight of the course is to use forecasting based on data provided by the financial statement at the micro level and other macro information to carry out business analysis and valuation context.

2.To use, analyze and highlight the content of financial statements for determining earning quality in the backdrop of GAAP for equity and business valuation.

3.To integrate accounting concepts and principles with those of concepts of finance.

PRE-REQUSITE: Basic Concept relating to financial statement analysis along with the understanding of corporate finance theory like capital budgeting, capital structure, cost of capital and dividend decisions.

        Introduction to Investing and Valuation
        Investment Styles and Fundamental Analysis
        The Role of Financial Reporting in Capital Markets
        Stock Market Bubbles
        The Professional Analyst and the Investor
        Business Analysis
        Valuation Technology
2Valuation Methodologies
Multiple Analysis
Asset- Based Valuation (Break Up Value Method)
Earning Capitalization Method
Dividend Discount Model
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) technique using FCF (Free Cash Flow)
Accounting Valuation
3 & 4Cash Accounting, Accrual Accounting, and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation
Detailing the Discounted Cash Flow Model
The Statement of Cash Flows, Earnings, and Accrual Accounting
( Cases)
        Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing Book Values
The Concept Behind the Price to Book Ratio Valuations
A Model for Anchoring Value on Book Value (case discussion)
7Analysis of profitability, growth and sustainability
8 &9 Simple Forecasting, full information forecasting and using forecasting in valuation. Completion of the process of Valuation
10Summing up, tutorial and doubt clearing


1. End –term 60%
2. Quiz 20%
3. Live Project 20%
Prescribed Reading:

StephenPenman.2007.Financial Statement Analysis and SecurityValuation.3rd edition, McGraw-Hill.

Additional Reading:

1 Krishna Palepu, Paul Healy and Victor Bernard. Business Analysis & Valuation Using Financial Statements ( Publisher – Thompson).

Created By: Alora Kar on 01/04/2018 at 03:29 PM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2017-18 T-III Doctype: Document
