
MBA(Exe.) 2018-19: Term-IV

Transition Strategies for Sustainability
(From Competition to Non-Competition)
(Core Course: 3.0 Credits)

The dichotomy of competition and non-competition has existed ever since the beginning of life. However, since the beginning of industrial revolution in the 17th Century, the balance has moved towards competition and it appears to most of us today that there is only one paradigm, viz., the paradigm of competition. This belief has significantly grown especially during the last two decades after the demise of the Soviet Union, a development which appears to strongly vindicate the paradigm of competition.

However, with the growing social, political, economic and environmental problems of the world, the leaders of large business houses are more worried today than ever before on the sustainability of their management practices. Business leaders are seriously searching for new models of business that are sustainable. Will you find these models within the Competitive Strategy framework or will you have to look beyond competition and think ‘out of the box’ to get alternative frameworks for effective and sustainable management in the future? ‘Transition Strategy for Sustainability-1’ should be able to tickle your thoughts and inspire you to think of sustainable organizational design variables for intergenerational performance and sustainability of organizations and institutions of the future.

Course Objective:

Attending this course will help the students to: (i) Map the developments in strategic thinking, (ii) Evaluate the traditional strategies, thinking and assumptions, and (iii) Explore new and innovative strategies through alternative windows / frameworks vis-à-vis the present mainstream competitive strategy framework.


The discussions will attempt to fire the thinking of the participants by critically examining the assumptions and principles of different strategies and practices. The sessions will be through Case discussions, Lectures, videos and Presentations. The cases will be used only as vehicles to understand a concept/principle and not to highlight or undermine an organization or individual. All the necessary reading materials and cases will be given to the participants. All the sessions shall however follow a dialogue and dialectic approach.


Class Preparedness Tests: 30 %
Group Assignment: 40 %
End-Term Exam: 40 %

Group Assignment:

The group assignment will involve identifying a case/film/documentary/book that exhibit non-competitive pattern/strategy and provide a summary analysis of the same within 5-7 pages. Each Group will consist of four members/students.

Course Outline:

Session NoTopics Readings & Exercises
Module1: Paradigm of Competitive Strategies
1Introduction to TSSGame of Crafting in the context of Competitive Strategies
2Economic Rationality Wealth Creation Process & Moral Principles
3Classical Management TheoriesPrinciples of Efficiency & Rationalization
4Dynamic CapabilitiesTeece, et al (1997), Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 18:7
5Competence & Governance Perspectives Oliver Williamson
6Transaction Cost TheoryBad for Practice: A critique of Transaction Cost Theory, Ghoshal & Moran
Module 2: Towards Inclusive Strategies
7Limit of Competition India-Australia 2nd Test Match, 2008, Amar KJR Nayak, XIMB-CCR
8Paternalistic StrategyCases of Japanese Corporations (Toyota Motors), Indian business houses and Indian public sector companies: Discussions
9Complementation StrategyCase of Unilever in India, Multinationals in India: FDI & Complementation Strategy in a Developing Country, Nayak, Amar KJR, 2008, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, & USA.
10Corporate Social ResponsibilityPorter, Michael E. (2006), Strategy & Society, HBR
11Social EntrepreneurshipDavid Bornstein
(A shift in purpose of organization) & sharing experiences by students
12Visible Winds of Changes in the Corporate Entities from competition to cooperation paradigm Cases from around the world:
Linux, Nava Jyoti, etc.
Module 3: Towards Non Competition
13Alternatives in human organizations and the missing variables in Theories Case of Ramakrishna Mission, Amar KJR Nayak, XIMB-CCR
14Life of Buddha,
15A host who does not wait on her Guests: Case of Discalced Carmelite Order, Amar KJR Nayak, XIMB-CCR
16Design Issues for Sustainability Nayak, Amar KJR (2014). Logic, Language & Values of Cooperation versus Competition in the context of recreating Sustainable Community System, Review of Sociology, 2014, Vol. 24, No.1
17Introduction to Design & Systems Thinking for SustainabilityTransition Strategies for Sustainability: Design & Systems Perspectives
18 Summary & Way Forward
19Seminar by students
20Seminar by students

Course Instructor:

Dr. Amar KJR Nayak
Professor of Strategic Management,
XIMB, Xavier University Bhubaneswar 751013

Tel: +91 674 6647 706 (office)

Created By: Alora Kar on 11/20/2018 at 10:06 AM
Category: MBA(Exe.)2018-19 T-IV Doctype: Document
